242. Online Store Photography_1

When Huo Xueying clocked in at the office, she remembered the half jar of honey she had generously given away the previous day and now her heart trembled with regret.

She had been so foolish, truly.

She knew the farmhouse honey Tantan had gifted was good, but she hadn't realized it was this good. Her spoonfuls had been too generous yesterday, and she had consumed too much honey—really, half the jar was gone.

She herself had gulped down three spoonfuls!

—That's what you get for being so generous, you big silly goose!

Before entering the office, she severely criticized herself.

However, this honey Tantan mentioned was quite expensive, so it seems it wasn't a boast. Although she had given away half a bottle, now everyone in the office was aware of its effects; it might actually help Tantan's business, which wouldn't be a loss at all.

Comforting herself with this thought, her heart gradually settled down.