248. Pumpkin Vine_1

Song Tan asked this question because she was genuinely anxious.

After all, although Zhao Fangyan repeatedly assured, going over budget and over schedule in construction practically seemed to be a given.

Now it's already April, and if the house isn't finished by the time the heat of July comes, everyone will suffer from cramming together.

The person in charge started to laugh:

"Young lady, when was the last time you saw a proper house being built in the village? Still worried about this?"

That was indeed the case.

Song Tan's only memory of house-building dated back to when she was a child and her family was raising the roof beams. Her dad was throwing coins and wedding candies down to the ground...

As for her, she was unlucky and only managed to pick up a ten-cent coin.

During that time, Wu Lan just set up a simple shed nearby with a plastic tarp, underneath which was a gas stove, cooking right next to the construction site.