307. Sorting Tobacco Leaves_1

This year, the weather got hot exceptionally early. By mid to late May, temperatures had already climbed over 30 degrees Celsius.

Although the village was much cooler than the city, with such a high temperature rise, we now had to turn on the fan every time we ate.

Only after midnight would it cool down, especially for the young lads, who really couldn't stand the heat. If they wanted to sleep in the early part of the night, they too had to have the fan on.

Considering that Grandpa's house also needed to be tidied up in the summer, Song Tan resisted buying an air conditioner, but she did bring back several fans, one for each room.

This arrangement seemed to work alright, except Qiaoqiao generated a lot of heat and needed the fan on all night. The fan was on in the early night, and he would fall asleep without knowing to turn it off, then he'd spend the latter part of the night groping around for a blanket.