311. Cigarette Rolling Machine_1

Really, if we're talking about it, we've had many years of old friendship under our belts, and who hasn't taken something from the other? It's all too muddled to argue over.

But... I really can't bear to part with these tea leaves.

Old Zhu slowly took a deep breath, his gaze drifting involuntarily, "Then your son, when he sees my granddaughter, he still has to call her 'niece' and treat her as an uncle – would it be proper for an uncle to compete with his niece's family?"

Old Yun glared at him, "That's a meaningless thing to say—"

As the two argued, another elder, who was playing chess with a dark and gloomy face, suddenly curled the corner of his mouth and took out his cell phone, "Old Zhu, give me your granddaughter's phone number. It's not easy for a young lady to go to the countryside; I'll help her expand the sales channels for this tea."