Do you eat 364? _1

Sun Shouping also sighed, and looking at the chickpeas under the chestnut tree, seemingly unaffected by the lack of sunlight, he couldn't help feeling a headache:

"Look at this, a third of the chickpeas under these lush chestnut trees can't even get sunlight."

"No worries," Song Tan's response was refreshingly straightforward, "Leaving the land empty would be a waste; the chickpeas that can't get light will just grow a bit leggy and produce fewer beans. If crushed, they can still be used as fertilizer, so there's no loss."

Legumes are great for fertilizing the soil, which was taken into consideration when planting; now it even exceeded expectations.

And as they stepped onto the path, Dabao and Erbao also came running, wagging their tails.

Because of his breed, Casro Dabao looked especially strong; his black ears flapped up and down, and his hefty body seemed extremely powerful as it moved.