Chapter 6: Information Query Centre

Chapter 6: Information Query Centre


Before he get to the Centre, he tried to use the projection of the maps he given being projected from the top of his head again to know how to use them. It was surprising that it acts like when you use Google Maps, as it also shows an indicator of himself moving in the road in the map. It is really sure surprising, but now he is starting to feel more awkward as many stares is being cast on him. They really looked at him in awe and confusion. Is it on what is he doing now? His using of the map considered an uncanny behaviour? He puts off the map back with a growing disdain on the situation. He really need to act carefully or it would attract more attention, but that doesn't mean he was not getting angry and annoyed to it. The Magistoids is sure a difficult bunch.

As he quietly grumbled in the seat, his demeanour going on sour wasn't unnoticed by the passengers. They started to looked back away in fear that they would incur his wrath. This was also not gone unnoticed by Makino and this adds up to his annoyance.

After an awkward ride in the Merandi, Makino get off of the vehicle, learning that he can request the vehicle to stop at your destination, just like what they do in the Philippines. 

((Hehehe. I think there's another reason for that.)) 

He made it to the Information Query Centre. It was quite large building in this part of the area where most buildings can be best described as a bit plain and drab all around, which Makino is starting to notice in a great degree. But he goes on straight to the door without any hesitation, for the mission. 

The interior of the Centre was filled with metal desks lined up in two rows, with seats and cubicles separating each area along with Script Projectors to every cubicles, every one of each is projecting floating screens used by the clients there, scrolling for information. It can be almost compared to a Computer Cafe. 

He goes to the counter at front near the door (jeez, it's just like a Computer Cafe) and started to ask the clerk. 

"Hello." He politely asked. 

The clerk looking through his files through the Projector looked up and was in a shock of his life. 

"Ah!! Noble Sir! Wha- what I can do for you?" 

Makino is starting to get tired of this. 

"Do you have a vacant seats here? I wanted to use a Projector." Makino managed to curb his annoyance and politely asked the clerk to use one of the Projectors. 

"Sure! I will lead you the way, Noble Sir." The clerk stand up from his desk and started to lead him to a vacant spot for him to use. 

"Here's our best spot here. Just call me if you have wanted anything, Noble Sir." The clerk quite nervously told him, as he walking away to leave Makino in his devices. 

At that moment, Makino takes a sit on the metal chair and tried to use the Projector. Only one problem: 

"How on earth am i gonna use it?" He whispered. 

He put his hand on the top of his head trying to think on what to do. He then tried to remember the clerk on the hotel on when he used it. He infused it with magic to work. 

"That's right. Magic. He used magic to activate this. Magic...." Makino's mind soured on that aspect. 

Magic is something that humans cannot gain or achieve, let alone wield it. It's the one thing the Magistoids have over them that lets them dominate their whole world. But, he's a Magistoid now. And all Magistoids have magic. Is he possessing it now? Can he wield it? But, it was something that he didn't know how to use. How can he use it? Those thoughts whirled inside of his head. 

As it happened, a tingle once again entered his head. Once more, his hand thoughtlessly moved and placed it into the crystal ball. Then, he started to exert some force in his hand through the ball. There he felt it, flowing in his hand just like what happened in the hotel: Magic. And just like that, the Projector started to emit light that formed into a floating screen. 

"This is- Magic!" Makino quietly exclaimed. 

He was astonished at the moment and he tried to scroll down on the screen to find some information. But a peering feeling starting to creep up to him. As it turns out, a repeat on the hotel and Merandi was happening now, as the astonished gazes of the mechs around the Cafe. The same gaze of astonishment and confusion when they cast their eyes on him. 

"Why on earth are they looking at me like that? Did I looked weird to them?" He quietly grumbling pondering is cut short when a flash from the screen alerted him and it gave him an answer. 

It showed on the screen the information: 


The class system that existed here on Regulus that the Rex Reguluses implemented for the harmony of the whole social order. This information gave him a shock, even it was just a tidbit on lot of information gathered there, was in summarised form and he will niw gonna read the rest of it. 

The class system: The social system hierarchy in Regulus for the sake of social stability after the a population boom that was gone haywire, ravaging most of the planet's resources and led to a social revolutionary war between every Magistoid at the time where everyone has the same magic power level. The Rex Reguluses saw to this chaos and immediately put an end to this. The conflict was disastrous to everyone and many died during the conflict. To restore order, the Rex Reguluses crafted a spell that, with the help of the powerful Regulus Core, will a put a damper to a Magistoid's magic power level to the choosing of the Rex Reguluses. They put those damper to the ones that instigated the chaos, while the ones who fought with the Rex Reguluses managed to keep their power level at the maximum. They also put a half damper to those who didn't participated in the chaos, but did nothing to stop it. These laid the foundations to the class caste the class system derived from. 

These class system is being devised to three divisions: 

Armanben: The high class or noble class. These are those who fought with the Rex Reguluses in the war and their descendants included to the class by right of birth. They comprised of the one who manage the governmental divisions in the whole planet under the Rex Reguluses, as well as the high ranking officials in businesses, corporations, infrastructures, social entertainment and artistic enterprises. 

Hydafa: The Labor class. The ones who didn't participated in the chaos in either sides and as such, was held in contempt by the Armanben, but the Rex Reguluses gave them a chance to makeup for their indecisiveness. They and their descendants have their magics cut in half and are the ones tasked to participate in jobs under the management of the Noble class. They do jobs in their enterprises that didn't require too much hard labour but still do much legwork for the infrastructures of the planet. They were the Construction Workers, Information Inquirers and Managers and corporation employees. (Like the lower middle class on Earth.) 

And finally, 

Kaidel: The Lowest class. Those who instigated the social war was subjected to the harshest punishment: their magic power level have lowered to the 25% to never again cause more harm and trouble to anyone and everything else. Them and their descendants bear those punishments to remind everyone of the consequences of abusing their magic to harm the whole planet. They were subjected to "undesirable" occupations that the Hydafa cannot participate themselves, but still important for the planet's infrastructures. It was decreed for the Hydafa to give them these occupations as final act of mercy from the Rex Reguluses, who wanted no more ambrosia be spilled for retribution and be beneficial for the planet's rehabilitation. 

These social classes enables the whole society to stand on its own and for the benefit of Regulus. 


'That was-' Makino thought in shock. 

"What kind of a caste system is this!? Isn't this a bit barbaric?" Makino quietly exclaimed to himself. 

There, along with the text explaining the caste system were visuals of what each class looked like. He see the difference in the design of each Magistoid to signify what class they belonged to. Also, there were height differences between the classes. The Armanben has their armor and body build designs that has regal ornamental designs and was visually appealing to look at. The looked like it was continually maintained its condition by magic itself. The Hydafa has a basic looking build in their armor and body and is visually plain with some minor exceptions while the Kaidel has their body and armor that has a much more rough, rugged look in their armor and bodies but those elements are much more pronounced in mechs of older age. 

By looking at the image of what an Armanben looked like, he saw quite a striking similarity to his body build. By this information, a thought sparked to him. 

"Is this why they are acting to me that way? They taught I'm a noble. Is this a joke or something!?." He again quietly sighed in exclamation.

A memory suddenly popped up inside of his head after he read the those information: the first thing he saw after becoming a Magistoid. 

""What a chump and he just shot a joke of a magic. It's laughable!"" 

""Heh. What a pathetic junk! Give us now your payment."" 

""Just accept what fate has bestowed upon you, Kaidel. That is the way of the world."" 

Those words rung to him violently inside of his head. The ones who've beating up the smaller Magistoid last night were of basic build. Those are Hydafas. And they call the other one Kaidel. 

"So it's a case of discrimination against a lower class." He murmured. 

He saw his reflection in the floating screen, seeing the face of a noble and along with the words that time swirling in his head, sparked his dark memories of the Rex Reguluses. 

"No. I'm not!" Makino starting to burn in anger. 

"IM NOT-" 

He almost lose himself there but ones who were browsing information beside him a

started to cast a look. This put Makino down on his anger. Then he remembered about his mission and quietly thought. 

'I'm not gonna play with this stupid system those monsters have been set. I will not act like those monsters. I will do everything to change everything. For our future. For MY future.' 

His determination is still burning hot.