Chapter 10: Altor's First Battle

Chapter 10: Altor's First Battle

Makino readied his stance with the sword in his hands. Even though that his expression is covered within his visor and mask, his fury is still seeping over. This gives the goons a chill on their backs, giving them a sense of fear that they may have unleashed a beast that would render them apart. That gave them the sense of wanting to give up, but it's too late now, the leader thoughts are firm. Its a place of no return now.

"Raaa!!! I'm not going to give up on this!! Always and always you've have taken everything from us and I will not endure ever again!!"

"Y-yes! We will not!!"

"B-boss. We will not give up too!!"

This act of defiance in his fears roused his lackeys to unleash their sense of bravado, even though there is still fear lingering within them. 

Makino didn't want them to get a chance of him, even though the leader's words are now lingering in his mind, but he started running towards them, starting to swing his sword. The goons activated their magics to confront Altor as he rushes over them.

"Mando Yunti!!"

"Casei Manturi!!"

"Madto Caliveris!!!"

From that, a hail of boulders and lassos poured over in a straight line towards Altor.


Makino swung his sword at the objects that was hurling towards him several times and the results are the slashed remains of the boulders and lassos, rendered materials through magic like they were nothing.

"Wow! That did worked!" Makino thought as he saw the results of his attacks, but his attention can't be divided now.


One of the goons jumped over him, readying his fist for a punch. Makino managed to dodge the attack. He then noticed the arm of the goon glowing.

'Magic. Probably to amplify the strenght of one part of his body at least.' Makino thought as the goon started to attack him.

He swung his one punch one after the another to land a hit on Altor, but he was faster than and didn't wanted to waste his time on that goon. Makino tried to swing his sword again.

"Mando Yunti!!"

"Madto Caliveris!!"

"What in the-"

The goon gets out of the way as the spells of the others are rushing in. Makino didn't waste time and swung his sword again.

Slash!! Slash!!

The boulders and lassos were slashed like butter.

'A divide and conquer? Not bad. But..' Makino rushed at them, as he swinging his sword to make his attack.

"Take this!!!" The other goon jumped from behind, his fist glowing even further, to land a finishing punch to Altor.

"Don't think that I forgot about you." Altor coldly replied in a flat monotone voice, as he twist and turned to his back and with a swing of his sword.



The goon screamed in pain in the ground, as his an arm falls off and stream of Ambrosia spilled from the arm Altor cut off as he fall down in the ground.


"You-Your'e going to pay!!!!"

The leader and the other goon again unleashed their magics, but this would not be the same as before.


Altor readied himself from the assault, but the some of the boulders started to crumble into little pieces mid air, now are small pieces of stones hurling, but not to be underestimated. Some the boulders that didn't crumbled was tied to some lassos being shot in air and it's now being used as a flail like weapons akin to a morning star.

Altor shielded himself from the onslaught from the hails of stones. It was an unpleasant experience.

"Arghh!!" Altor groaned in pain as the hail of stones hit him all at once, but it's not the only thing he need to worry about now.

"Take this!!!" The other goon yelled to Altor as he wail his lassos with the boulders tied into it.

Altor saw this attack and dodge away.


The boulders crashed to the ground missing it's target, but it's not the end of it.

"Don't you think it's over!!" The leader roared as his goon flail again his whips and he started to recalibrate his as well.


As Altor landed, the stones changed directions and assaulted him again. The whipped boulders came soon after and he dodged again.


Now the stones assaulted him again while he jumped mid air. Altor fall down in the ground due to it.

"Here's the chance now! Our jackpot shot is now here, boss!!" The goon, filled ecstasy of confidence, hurled his wrecking balls to his target.

Altor is lying there in pain, but sometimes, everyone doesn't want things to go on repeat.


The goon showed a terrified expression on what has transpired. Altor, at the last second, grabbed the boulders with his bare hands.

"Don't think this going your way. I'm not letting it, EVER AGAIN!!" Altor, seething in rage, he gripped the boulders and cracks started to appear on them.


The boulders crumbled down in Altor's hands, to the horror of the goon and the leader. Altor immediately stood up from his spot and immediately swiped his sword beside him.

"You're not getting away from me." Altor said in fury as he immediately run towards them in great speed.

"No- Stay away from me!!"

"Madugo, Wait!!" The leader warned but it's too late. The goon panicking unleashed more of his lassos but Altor swiftly cut them down into ribbons.

In a matter of seconds, he was now immediately in front of him.

Slash!!!!!! Slash!!!!!!

"Arghhhh!!!!!!" Madugo screamed in agony, as both of his arms are slashed simultaneously in a flash.

"Two for the count." Altor chillingly replied in a split second.

Arlandy, still clinging on his consciousness, saw all what happened in the best detail as he can. He can't believe all what is happening.

'He is really strong. He managed to cut the two in count and he didn't even cast magic. Those three never stood a chance. I'm so pathetic. Is this is part of your plan, Altor?' Arlandy thought as he started to lose consciousness.

With his lackey falls down in the ground, the leader run away in another direction and is now finally laden with fear. But rage is also fuelling him now in seeing his two lackeys in total dismemberment and he knew it was really the point of no return.

"You're going to pay! You're going to pay!!! Madto Caliveris!!!!" He furiously shouted and casted with all of his might, multiple boulders appearing and shooting them to Altor.

Altor started to run and swing his sword to slash them down into pieces. The leader intensified his attempts and the boulders crumbled themselves and the stone started to fly off in a straight line to attack Altor.

He attempted to run in another direction, but the stones started to follow him wherever he went.

"I'm never letting you go! I will make sure that your body crumble like these rocks!!!" The leader furiously waved his hands to manoeuvre the stones to where Altor went.

Altor furiously run away from the stones, but seeing to no avail as the the leader is relentless, he had to make a choice. He was in much pain from the earlier attacks, he didn't wanted to endure that again.

"I will pulverise you!!"

The leader is relentless in his attacks. With no other choice and with much grumbling on this matter, Altor run straight to attack.

"What!?" The leader was caught off guard.

Klang! Klang! Klang!!

Altor embraced the pain that came along the hail of stones in his way while he still runs towards the source of the attack.

"Wha- No. No! Stay away!!"


The leader has started to succumb in fear as he increase the intensity of his spell.

"Stay away!! Madto Caliveris!!!!"

More hails of stones showered through Altor. Altor is now beginning to reel from this attack, but a thought came in: he see the powerlessness that he and all of humanity endured at the hands of the Magistoids, how they were easily slaughtered without much of a fight and how they were nearly been wipeout by them. More frustration sets in as they had to get help from the other Magistoids that wanted to give them help. Not unwelcome and saw that they really mean it, but the pain...

Altor snapped out of it and filled out with more vigor.

"I will not be powerless again! I won't let it!!" Altor furiously shouted as he raced faster towards the leader.

The leader is getting scared, his attacks doesn't faze him now and seeing him in much fury, he subconsciously started to succumb to his fate. With a kick, Altor jumped over with his sword, ready to swing it to destiny. Destiny that he will ensure to achieve.



He slashed through the leader's arms, screaming in pain as he falls down to the ground. And with that, the battle is over. Altor is now drenched in some of the ambrosia of his assailants, his body weakened by the ordeal, started to kneel to the ground in pain while using his sword as a crutch to help him in his stand. He panted in exhaustion as a another tingle spiked in his mind again. He took his sword up and his other compartment in his hip opened again and slid his sword down like in a sheath. After all the blade has been drawn back, the handle dissipates as well.

'This is weird. But not unwelcome, at least.' Makino taught on this situation.

Exhaustion was still apparent within him when he catches Arlandy in the corner unconscious. He started to walk up to him in order to wake him up.

'Have to wake this guy. I don't know the hotline for an ambulance here or something like that here.' Makino thought.

Makino started to slap Arlandy gently in the face and immediately he wake up.

"Hey, wake up now. You can't fall asleep now."

"Wuh!? What in the- Altor?" Arlandy whoozily woke up.

"Yeah. Sorry about this, but can you help me to call the emergency services. Someone that can help us in our injuries." Makino said to him in a flat monotone.

"What? For our injuries? For the both of us?" Arlandy was confused to that statement.

"Yes, what do you think? Hurry up or you will succumb to your injuries." Makino said to him in a quite sarcastic tone.

Arlandy was bit of dumbfounded to this and stared Makino for a bit. Makino, on his part, almost stared to him for a second before he shyly turned his back around, started to put again his defences.

"Come on. Hurry it up." He quite awkwardly exclaimed to him.

Arlandy cracked a smile to this.

"You're a crazed mech, Altor." He weakly said.

"What?" Makino turning his head around.

"Yeah, don't worry, I can call them now." Arlandy quickly set up the magical hotline installed within him to use to call for the emergency services.