Chapter 15: Going back then

Chapter 15: Going back then

A typical day on a post-apocalyptic Earth was always an unpleasant one. Whether it was being hunted, hiding, or if caught, being played with or being evicerated by the Magistoids' magic either by hunting or practice, calling it a hard time is the biggest understatement of the century. Heck, by the history of the world it was the biggest understatement. 

That's how we suffered under them. We were just a bug to them, ready to be squished under their metal thumbs. Even when I turned into one of them, I still shuddered by nightmares in my sleep. I just try to shrug them and focus myself to the mission, not a day pass by that they still stick their tendrils inside of my head. We were on our last legs by that time. But they arrived when we really needed help.

The Magistoid Resistance. A group of ragtag Magistoids that fought against their own kind, trying to twarth the advances the invasion in many areas, now mostly focused here on Japan. Composed of fifteen Magistoids in total, they fight against the tyranny of the Rex Reguluses. When they helped us in our need, some did have reservations but mostly, after some proving of themselves, warms up to them. I, was one of those who had reservations.... but I.... I don't wanted to be unfair to them... just I.... I...

A normal day under our underground base, expanded and fortified by the Resistance. The shooting range and training centre.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

Makino there is practicing on shooting his guns on the huge carton cutouts, while practicing his speed and agility on moving targets. No doubt the area is enhanced by magic.

"Makino, is quite late now. You still practicing? You should have taken a rest now. You will needed it." A stern gentle voice said to him.

Makino turned his around to see him in his back, a huge figure displaying a rigid stance but with hints of worry to him.

"I'm fine. Just still practicing my shots for accuracy." Makino awkwardly told him.

"Sleep is still essential to all living beings, even us." He gently told him. 

"Hmph. Living..." He murmured at the statement.

The huge figure that was giving me an advice was Ardugo, the leader of the Magistoid Resistance. He was really an imposing figure to be honest, but I don't think that's important now. His body frame is huge compared to the other members of his resistance group. A gray monolith of a figure with lines of bluish white flowed like zigzag rivers, all lacing the edges of his blue armor which are compared to bulky and edgy battle suits in anime. His head resembles the heads of super robot animes that I watched: Battle mask covering much of his face, wing-like protrusions in the sides of his head, another pointed protrusion in the top his head and a pair of mechanical skyblue eyes.

Moreover, his demeanor was of the one who leads someone with authority, aura and respect but laced with compassion and kindness. He's almost akin to Optimus Prime, a fact that I was annoyed at. 

His face emits an aura of stoicness, but in some occasion his aura of kindness and compassion leak through his Stony visage and now the same kindness and compassion is leaking through his face after my quite statement, flick his hand and chanted a spell.

"Movorotis Caveteki."

This caused the moving figures stop at their tracks, eliciting annoyance to me. 

"Ugh. Fine. I feel I wanted to hit the deck anyway." He dashed away from the training, leaving Ardugo without a word. 

That was one of the times that he and everybody in his resistance showed some kindness to me. I know they do this out of kindness. They did helped us in many encounters and didn't really showed any hints of betrayal, they tried and successfully proved that, but....


"Altor, Are you okay?" It was Arlandy, snapping him out of it.

"Huh?" Makino snapping out.

He saw his crewmates looking at him in concern, that they may have provoke him in a foul mood.

"Sir, Altor, is there something wrong?" Kofalu asked of him.

"Did we managed to anger you off? We apologize for our behavior there. Right, Akadagi?" Havati bowed as he also put an arm at Akadagi's back, making him now too.

"Yeah. I'm sorry if I act rashly at your presence." Akadagi sheepishly apologize.

Makino seeing this event unfold and still having reeling from that memory triggering from the past, he calmly told them.

"No, I'm fine. I just stopped for a bit. No reason for that." He said affirming his answer.

This produce a sigh of relief to them and continued on their search. Arlandy, on the other hand, was unsure of it. 

'I know when someone was getting triggered and Altor was sure triggered, but it may not be from the fight there. It's something deeper. What could it be?' He thought while they continue on their search. 

Makino was proceeding to his search, but is also deep in his thoughts.

'Gah, that was so close. I can't believe that I just attracted another attention. I can't have more of it. I need to keep my act together.' Makino steeled his focus once more and continued.

They scour again for a bit, but still no sign of them. This caused a sigh to be let out from Kofalu, thinking that maybe Akadagi is right.

((Wow, that's a news.))

Kofalu took out a pad that looks like a smartphone and flashed the map of the area in a floating screen, showing icons of the members of the group. 

"So where here at the Havalu Crossroads. We only have parsed a small part of the whole sealed area. But I fear Akadagi was maybe right. If we wanted to succeed, we have to split up in small groups to enhance our chances of finding them." Kofalu briefed them on the situation.

"So, is anyone objects?" Kofalu asked them.

The group murmured to each other on what are they gonna and nodding in agreement to the plan, except for two.

"I object." Makino said, making all of them turn their heads to him.

"May I ask if there's some problem in the plan that I laid out, Sir Altor?" Kofalu was wondering on what's the reason of his objection.

"I-" he cut off for a second before he continued on what he's gonna say.

"I think we need to scour a little more together. Maybe we can find them eventually here." He said in flat monotone.

Arlandy heard this and agreed to him in tandem.

"Yeah. Just like you said earlier, a little more patience and we could find them."


'That was good call, Altor. There's something wrong with this place that I can't just shake off. Maybe if we stick together a little more, we could know if I'm right on this.' 

Arlandy's thoughts on this was somewhat on the mark and misleading at the same time.

Makino meanwhile....

'This might be the best option. I could just dispatch them on my own, but that would be inefficient. I know those beasts in heart and I'm sure they are not the docile pets everyone knows. This place confirms it. With many of us, I could have a chance.'

((Sometimes, it's just scratching the surface.))

They all come into agreement to his suggestion, not that they have a chance to object.

((Yeah, how could they.))

'Great. It's now falling into place. Now-'



Makino and the others heard that and turned their heads into different directions to find where it's coming from. It won't be a while before they find out.

"Grrrrr" A mechanical growl is being heard at the moment.