The Lie That Binds

Mateo entered Lila's chamber, his eyes drinking in the sight of her as she sat by the window, bathed in the soft light of the morning. Her recovery was progressing, the bruises on her skin fading, and her strength slowly returning. But what captivated him the most was her beauty, even more radiant now that she was healing. He approached her with a twisted sense of admiration, his gaze intense and possessive.

"You're even more beautiful than before," Mateo said, his voice low and reverent as he knelt beside her. His fingers lightly brushed against her hand, tracing the lines of her delicate skin. 

Lila forced a smile, playing her part with careful precision. Inside, her mind was sharp and clear, her memories fully returned. But she knew that revealing the truth now would be dangerous. Mateo's obsessive nature was a volatile force, one she needed to navigate carefully. 

"Mateo," she began softly, her tone deliberately confused. "You've been so kind to me, taking care of me like this. But… I don't understand something." She looked up at him with wide, innocent eyes. "Why do we need to marry if you're already my husband? Why can't I remember our wedding?"

Mateo's expression softened, and a sly smile curled at the edges of his lips. He gently cupped her face, his thumb caressing her cheek as he spoke. "Ah, my love, you've been through so much. The injuries you suffered… they've taken a toll on your mind, but that's why I'm here. To protect you, to guide you back to where you belong."

Lila tilted her head slightly, feigning confusion. "But if we're already married, why do we need to have another ceremony? It just seems so strange. I don't understand why I can't remember any of it."

Mateo's eyes darkened with a mix of frustration and obsession. He leaned in closer, his lips almost brushing hers. "You don't need to understand, Lila. All you need to know is that you're mine. This marriage will make it official in the eyes of everyone, and no one will ever be able to take you away from me."

Lila held her breath, fighting the urge to recoil from his touch. Every fiber of her being screamed at her to escape, to run from the dangerous man who was so obsessed with controlling her. But she remained composed, her expression soft and compliant.

"If you say so, Mateo," she whispered, her voice trembling just enough to appear genuine. "I just want to make you happy."

Mateo's smile widened, and he pressed a lingering kiss to her forehead. "That's all I want, too, my dear. To make you happy. And once we're married, everything will be perfect."

Lila nodded, her heart pounding in her chest. She knew she had to play along, to convince Mateo that she was the same lost and confused woman he believed her to be. But deep down, she was planning her next move, carefully considering how she could escape this twisted situation and find her way back to safety.

As Mateo continued to obsessively praise her beauty, Lila's mind remained focused and sharp. She would bide her time, gather her strength, and when the moment was right, she would strike. But for now, she played her role, a delicate balance between submission and survival.

As the door to Lila's chamber opened, a flood of luxurious white fabric cascaded into the room. Dozens upon dozens of wedding dresses, each more elaborate than the last, were paraded before her by a line of maids. The sight was overwhelming—a sea of silk, lace, and pearls, all meant to adorn her for a day she was dreading.

Mateo stood by, watching her reaction with a possessive gleam in his eyes. He could sense her unease, but it only seemed to fuel his satisfaction. He stepped closer to Lila, his voice calm yet commanding.

"Choose whichever one pleases you the most," Mateo said, gesturing to the opulent gowns with a casual wave of his hand. "You deserve nothing but the best."

Lila forced a small smile, her eyes drifting over the dresses. Inside, her mind was racing, trying to maintain her composure. She needed to keep Mateo convinced that she was still the docile, confused woman he believed her to be.

"When is the wedding?" she asked softly, turning her gaze to him.

Mateo's expression hardened, a subtle reminder of the control he held over her. "One week from today," he replied, his tone cool and matter-of-fact. "Not a moment longer."

Lila nodded, her heart pounding in her chest. A week. She had only seven days to find a way out of this nightmare. But outwardly, she remained calm, playing the part Mateo expected of her.

"That's not much time," she murmured, her voice laced with a hint of nervousness.

Mateo's eyes narrowed slightly, but a faint smile tugged at the corners of his lips. "It's more than enough," he said. "You'll be ready, and when the time comes, you'll stand beside me as my wife. Everything will fall into place."

Lila looked down, feigning a sense of resignation. "I'll try to find the perfect dress," she said quietly.

Mateo reached out, gently lifting her chin so that their eyes met. "You will, Lila. And when you do, you'll see that this is where you belong. With me."

Lila nodded again, her mind already working on a plan. She had a week—a week to gather her strength, to find allies, and to escape from Mateo's clutches. But for now, she played her role, letting him believe that she was still under his control.

Lila, keeping her emotions in check, walked toward the row of extravagant wedding dresses. Without a second thought, she reached out and picked the simplest one—a gown of pure white satin, unadorned and understated compared to the others. She held it up, letting its plain beauty contrast sharply with the opulence around her.

Mateo watched her with a flicker of something unreadable in his eyes. He studied the dress for a moment before giving a small nod of approval. "Simple, but elegant," he remarked, his voice carrying a note of finality. "It suits you."

Lila didn't respond, only nodding slightly as she clutched the dress in her hands. Mateo lingered for a moment longer, his gaze still lingering on her before he turned and left the room.

She draped the dress over a nearby chair, her mind still focused on the approaching wedding and the uncertainty it brought. Just then, a subtle shift in the room's atmosphere caught her attention. A shadow moved across the balcony, and a figure emerged silently from the darkness.

The man was tall, his face obscured by the hood of his cloak. As he stepped closer, the dim light revealed a pair of sharp, intelligent eyes. Lila's heart raced, recognizing the man from her father's descriptions.

"Bernand," she whispered, her voice trembling with a mixture of hope and anxiety.

The figure nodded, his presence a beacon of reassurance in her otherwise dire situation. "Lady Lila," he said softly, his voice carrying a note of authority and comfort. "I'm here at your father's request. He received your letter."

Relief washed over Lila. She had hoped her letter would reach her father, but seeing Bernand here was a confirmation of her father's support. "He agreed to the plan?" she asked urgently, her eyes searching Bernand's face for answers.

Bernand nodded. "Grand Duke Noah has agreed to assist you. Your father trusts that we can work together to make it happen."