• This Is The Forest

Cold winds washed over Spheris and his companions as they continued their journey. They were in the Cold Forests now, and unlike the strange and twisted approach to landscapes that they were accustomed to in The Abyss, this forest appeared deceptively mundane.

Never did Spheris imagine that encountering something normal would seem odd, but the Cold Forests was just exactly what it sounded like; a cold forest.

There were very tall trees looming overhead with spiky branches and green leaves. Some of the leaves were covered with traces of frost that glittered in the faint light through the canopy.

The only unnatural thing in fact, was the cold. As they trod along the forest path, the air assaulted them with its crisp and biting chill, nipping at their skin. The last time Spheris felt this cold was back inside the trap cave and that familiar feeling filled with him unease.

Still, he preferred the cold ten times over the heat.