• The Mogul's Son

Scanty mustache held on tight to Linne, covering her mouth while still pointing the pistolet to her head with a quivering grasp. "Who the fuck are you people!?" he demanded.

"What?" Nero scowled. "Who the fuck are you!?"

The man took a deep breath, gathered a bit of courage then continued: "This land belongs to the Gallied, you are trespassing!"

Nero glanced at Cerene with a confused, pococurante expression on his face. The air should have been tense, there was a man holding a pistolet to Linne's head, and he had a firm grip on her, covering her mouth... covering her mouth?

"Dude, why the hell are you even covering her mouth?" Nero asked with a shrug. "We're already here, who else is she going to call?"

Yet, the atmosphere couldn't help but be extremely comedic.