• A Lot To Learn

The first day of school in the Daligarth's Academy For Incarnates had certainly been a ride for Spheris Arnadel.

After being quickly introduced to the bone of the institution; the conduct and formula of how things operated within the school, Spheris was certain it wasn't going to change anytime soon.

He had separated with Lirael and still had two other lectures that day, which were Power Mastery and Control and The Science of Expanded Realms.

The Power Mastery and Control class had to be the biggest so far in the Academy. There were multiple Student Bearers from all Ranks gathered in a hall larger than the one set for Mystiqarium Studies.

The teacher was a short, rotund man named Drevid Ompire, who seemed very bubbly in his style of teaching. It was effective enough for him as his immersive storytelling and quick jokes managed to capture the attention of his Students.