• Moral Dilemma

Back on the floating islands, nighttime in the Knightmare Expanded Realm, Spheris and Ackledge were the only ones standing amongst other mountains filled with the fallen Knightbeasts, their fur mattered with dirt and blood.

On their island, Calla knelt beside them, counting the Soul Fragments they had collected with gingerness. It seemed taking note of the Fragments was her job in the team and she did it with utmost sobriety.

Ackledge, standing tall, wiped sweat from his brow with a satisfied grin as the night wind blew his hair. "Now that was a fight! Felt good getting back into action, eh, Rennard? Not many get to tangle with Knightbeasts and live to brag about it." His voice brimmed with pride as he stretched his arms behind his head.