The Lady in Black, Part Thirty

Today, Zenith would begin the plan to take down the High Rollers. 

The first step: attack the Bonecrushers and find Syneris's captured allies. 

Or... well...

Try to find them, anyway. 

Now, at 4:00 am, Zenith was doing some last-minute perusing of the World Shop. 

She bought a couple of spells, figuring that because she'd be taking on a bunch of humans, her necrotic damage would actually be useful. 

"Wait," Zenith's eyes narrowed. "I couldn't buy any of this before." 

"Yep!" Tamira popped up beside her. "Being prolific has quite a few advantages. The more World Shop Tokens you gain and spend, the more options become available to you. In your case, because you have a Hidden Class, you're gaining options no one else has access to. Congrats!" 

Right now, Zenith was seeing the following items available for purchase: 

Unholy Binding (Spell) - MP: 25