The Black Cat, Part Two


Things had gone better than Julia thought they would following the attack on the High Rollers. 

Sure, a few skirmishes followed the event. The High Rollers quickly found out about each of the guilds associated with the attack and although they hadn't been on good terms before, now the High Rollers had them firmly on the "kill on sight" list. 

Still, Julia and the Blue Shields had held their own in these fights. Aside from that, what little looting the group did when the fight happened and the AP they'd gained from the kills they got were good gains that they got. 

Not just that, but clashing with the well-known, blood-crazed sociopaths known as the High Rollers had actually garnered the Blue Shields a pretty high amount of respect recently. 

Right now, Julia was sifting through various offers for weapon and resource trades and dungeon-run invitations. 

Indeed, things were looking up.