The Black Cat, Part Seventeen

"You, uh, sure you wanna just cut ties with them like that?" Emi asked Zenith as they walked away from the station.

Zenith looked over her shoulder at the station, growing smaller and smaller with every step. 

"Yeah," Zenith nodded. "I mean, besides, it's not like I'm going to another city or something. I told her that if she needs anything, she can just call me."

"Ah, right."

"But, having us stay at the station is just gonna cause problems for Julia." Zenith snuck a glance at Emi. "And Max." 

Emi stared at the station as well and then shrugged. 

"Oh well. But, this puts us right back where we started." 

"Yeah," Asuka said, "we can't head back to the apartment. Where do we go?" 

"We'll have to stay on the move," Zenith stated. 

"Actually," Emi interjected, "can't you just buy a house? You're like, the richest person I know." 

"... Can I?"