Chapter 4 : are we not lovers?

As we arrived at the school cafeteria, the bustling noise of clattering trays and buzzing conversations filled the air. Amidst the chaos, Gavvy and I found comfort in our own little world. We foundd a secluded corner outside, where the fresh breeze and a quieter atmosphere allowed us to connect on a deeper level.

Sharing secrets, exchanging laughter, and simply enjoying our meals together became cherished moments for both of us. Our bond grows stronger with each passing day, transforming our friendship into something more deeper and sincere. We became more than just classmates; we became close friends, perhaps even best friends.

After lunch, Gavvy and I decided to take a peaceful walk to the field to feel the relaxing and refreshing atmosphere. We settled down on a familiar bench, reminiscing about the time when he had helped me and given me a bottle of water on the day I was injured. It was a spot that held special meaning for both of us. Gavvy revealed that this bench was his favorite spot, a comfort zone where he had met his first and true friend – me.

Learning that I was his first friend left me flabbergasted. It brought me both joy and sadness, as my feelings for Gavvy had grown into something more profound – a one-sided love that I kept hidden deep within my heart. Despite my unrequited feelings, I found contentment in our friendship and treasured every moment spent with him.

Our shared smiles, the comforting silence between us, and the unspoken understanding made me fall for Gavvy even more. The connection we had was undeniable, and I couldn't resist the pull of my emotions.

One day, as I sat in Gavvy 's favorite spot, enjoying the gentle breeze, I closed my eyes and let the wind carry away my worries. Suddenly, I felt a soft kiss on my cheek. Opening my eyes, I was taken aback to find Gavvy beside me. Shocked and unable to find the right words, all I could hear was the sound of my racing heart.

Overwhelmed by my emotions, I found myself drawn to Gavvy in a way I couldn't resist. It was more than just affection or a fleeting attraction; it was a deep, and true love that surged within me. Unable to hold back any longer, I leaned in and gently kissed him, cradling his head in my hands.

In that moment, the world seemed to fade away as Gavvy reciprocated the kiss. It was a moment of pure connection, where our souls acknowledged the love that was blossoming between us. It felt like we were the only two people in the world, lost in our own universe of love.

However, my world shattered when I saw Gavvy sitting with another girl in the cafeteria. They were laughing together, and Gavvy's smile was directed at her. Jealousy washed over me, and my mind filled with doubts and questions.

While I was in the classroom and I was unable to concentrate on my classes, therefore as soon as the school bell rang I went to Gavvy and confronted him about the girl. I bumped into him alone in the hallway, and my heart raced as I was about to talk to him. "Gavvy, can we talk?" I asked, my voice trembling with a mix of anger and hurt.

He looked surprised but nodded, gesturing for us to find a quieter corner away from prying eyes. As we sat down, I took a deep breath and mustered the courage to ask him the question that had been burning inside me. "Why did you kiss me if you're interested in someone else?"

Gavvy's expression softened, and he reached out to hold my hand. "I'm sorry if I've given you the wrong impression," he said sincerely. "The kiss was a moment of confusion for me too. I care about you deeply, but I've been trying to figure out my own feelings."

Confusion swirled inside me. "What do you mean, Gavvy? Are you saying you don't have feelings for me? Are we not lovers?"

Gavvy sighed and looked into my eyes. "I do have feelings for you, but they're different from what you might expect. You're my best friend, and I cherish our connection. But really I don't feel the same way as you do"

Tears welled up in my eyes as I struggled to process his words. "So, you're saying we can never be more than friends?"

Gavvy squeezed my hand gently. "I don't want to make any promises I can't keep, Van. Right now, I need time to figure things out and understand my own heart. I hope you can understand that."

The weight of his words crushed me, and I felt a mix of sadness and frustration. "I understand, Gavvy, but it hurts. It hurts to know that the kiss meant something different to me than it did to you. I thought we had something special."

Gavvy's eyes filled with regret. "We do have something special, Van. Our friendship is precious to me, and I don't want to lose that."

But things changed afterward. Gavvy's presence felt distant, and he no longer walked with me as he usually did. Confused, I ran into him in the hallway and discovered he was meeting the girl for a date and it was the same girl I saw in the cafeteria with him. The realization hit me hard, and I mustered the courage to ask him if we were not lovers.

Gavvy's surprised expression and gentle denial shattered my hopes. He explained that we were best friends and that I should stop interfering in his personal life in addition that the girl was not his type. I felt a mix of embarrassment, disappointment, and loss. I had misunderstood Gavvy's actions, and my unrequited love had cost me a friend.

As I walked home that afternoon, my mind was filled with regret and a sense of longing. But amidst the pain, a glimmer of hope emerged. Gavvy had shown a sign of no romantic interest in the girl, giving me a chance to express my love for him. I knew it was a risk, but I had to lay my emotions bare and take a chance for the sake of our relationship and my own love.

(To Be Continued...)


9_ku - (Editor)

Clint - nothing, just. I Love You