Chapter 6 : sampaguita necklace

I forgot what happened next but all I remembered is that today was the most important day that had arrived, marking the culmination of our high school journey. The atmosphere was a mix of joy and anticipation as Gavvy and I, alongside our fellow classmates, prepared to bid farewell to the familiar halls and embrace the unknown of the future. Amidst the sea of proud parents and tearful students, Gavvy and I found ourselves caught in a keen sense of sadness due to the moments of our shared memories together. Our hearts swelled with pride as we stood together, accepting our hard-earned diplomas, symbolizing the end of one chapter and the dawning of another.

While we were in the middle of the crowd celebrating, Gavvy grabbed my arms and we ran, in where there was less noise, then we stood up looking at each other and turned to me, with his eyes gleaming with mischief and excitement. In a voice brimming with anticipation, he invited me on a summer camping trip on a riverside, an adventure crafted exclusively for the two of us.

The mere thought of spending more time with Gavvy, of creating new memories together, ignited a fire of exhilaration within me. Without hesitation, I eagerly agreed, anticipating the summer with renewed intense and passionate feeling and anticipation.

As we transitioned from the memories of the past to the vibrant present, our summer adventure of joy and discovery. Our days overflowed with laughter, endless conversations that danced between the profound and the mundane, and an unbreakable bond that seemed to defy the constraints of time and distance.

We then ventured into uncharted territories, both physical and emotional, savoring exotic flavors, and etching indelible memories into the path and adventures of our lives.

One particular day, as we sat shoulder to shoulder on the sun-kissed beach, our gazes fixed upon the mesmerizing spectacle of the sun's descent beyond the horizon, Gavvy turned to me. His voice, barely a whisper above the symphony of crashing waves, carried a weight of vulnerability and sincerity. "Van," he murmured, "I hope that no matter where life takes us, we can always remain like this. Friends, forever bound by the precious moments we've shared." His words resonated deep within my heart, a promise that I clung to with unwavering hope, yearning for it to withstand the test of time.

Before we went home, me and Gavvy decided to stroll around the river, then went to the forest. We walked around and saw an interesting view. A field that was full of trees and in the trees there were woody vine or semi climbing shrubs that grow sampaguita flowers. We inhaled the fresh air, and the lovely smell of the flowers made the moments more memorable.

I pick-up few flowers from the vines and decided to make a sampaguita necklace, indulging the smell. Gavvy looked me into my eyes and told me, "what a lovely sight.", then he reached my face with both hands, he then leaned his forehead against mine, with his face close to mine I expected that he would kiss me so I closed my eyes and was ready to receive his lips. But suddenly a sound of wild boars came towards us.

Gavvy took my hands and the both of us fled, we ran until we headed back to our camping site, and when we got there the sun was about to set. We sat down and rested, we witnessed the sun going down, the mood was so cozy, he took his guitar out which I didn't know he'd bring, but he serenaded me with the same song he sang to me when we first met. After we decided to call it the night and fall asleep.

However, the abrupt end of our summer adventure plunged me into a disorienting whirlpool of change. Gavvy, once a constant presence in my life, became an enigma, distant and elusive. Our vibrant exchanges, filled with laughter and shared memories, turned into a blurring vision of our memories before vanishing altogether. It felt as if he had evaporated into thin air, leaving me adrift in a sea of confusion and heartache.

Days bled into weeks, and weeks into months, as I cling to a flicker of hope that Gavvy would reach out, then he will come back and be here, and that he would shatter the silence that had enveloped us. Yet, my phone remained stubbornly silent, a stark reminder of his absence and the void he had left behind. The ache grew too immense, too piercing to ignore.

As the enrollment day for senior high loomed on the horizon but still my tears ricochet wishing you were here, then a sliver of hope clung to my heart, yearning for a reunion with Gavvy. However, as the day unfolded, my hope waned, replaced by a growing sense of despair.

Determined to forge a path forward amidst the uncertainty, I resolved to pursue the Arts and Design Track for my senior year, channeling my focus towards a future that beckoned with both trepidation and possibility.

On the first day of class, my heart was somersaulting within my chest. Looking around and observing the unfamiliar faces, a certain face stands out, Gavvy. A torrent of emotions crashed over me — relief, confusion, anger. Too many questions within me, demanding answers that only he could provide.

With a pounding heart, I mustered the courage to approach him. "Gavvy," I began, my voice trembling with a mix of apprehension and longing, "Why did you vanish? Why did our conversations dwindle to nothingness?" Yet, as I gazed into his eyes, I found only an abyss of indifference. The warmth and affection that once emanated from him had been replaced by an icy detachment, a stark contrast that cut through my soul.

His indifference struck me like a blow to the core. I stood there, rooted in disbelief, unable to measure the abrupt transformation and the sudden change in our dynamic. The memories of our shared laughter, the heartfelt conversations we had shared, the promise we had made on that beach, they all seemed to disappear like a distant dream, shattered by the harsh reality of Gavvy's apathy.

Yet, amidst the heartbreak, a flicker of resilience ignited within me. I realized that I had to gather the shattered fragments of my heart, to summon the strength to move forward, even if it meant crossing the bridge to the labyrinth of senior high, without Gavvy by my side. My dreams encourage me for my passion for literature and art burned brightly, and I knew I had to pursue them

(to be continued..)



Gawin - editor

Clint - hello, thanks for reading babe!