Chapter 8 : falling in-love again

In the aftermath of the presentation, Gavvy approached me. "You should publish your work," he said, his voice filled with admiration. However I was hesitant. The insecurities that had affected us resurfaced. "I don't think my work is good enough," I confessed, my voice barely a whisper.

Gavvy, however, was not deterred. He saw the raw potential in my work, the magic that it held. But he respected my decision but made it clear that I believed in them.

In the days that followed, I found myself slowly letting go of the hurt Gavvy had inflicted to me. I saw a change in him, a sincerity that hadn't been there before. Gavvy, for his part, was true to his word. He stayed by my side, proving his promise to never leave me again.

The Next day, As the first rays of dawn broke through my window, I woke from my sleep. An unexplainable sense of excitement filled my heart. Perhaps, it was the anticipation of a new day, a day that held promises of joy and surprises. I went about my morning routine with a spring in my step, only to be interrupted by my mother's voice, "Van, Gavvy is waiting for you downstairs."

I quickly went downstairs to find Gavvy standing there, holding a beautifully wrapped gift in his hands. "What's this for?" I asked, surprised. He responded with a heartwarming smile, "Happy friendship anniversary, Van. It's been a year since you tripped and fell into my arms." His words made me remember a happy accident of our memories, making my heart flutter with affection.

Our journey to school was interrupted by a group of students who seemed to be after Gavvy. Without a second thought, Gavvy grabbed my hand, and we ran somewhere we could find peace. I was rather puzzled why those girls were chasing after him, I intended to ask him but then we ran towards the school's auditorium for refuge. Inside, we found a group of students engrossed in rehearsing for a theater play.

I was Captivated by their performance, so I went near them and offered some suggestions. To my surprise, not only did they implement my ideas, but they also invited us to be a part of their play.

Gavvy nudged me, whispering, "Van, this could be your chance to showcase your talent in literature." Despite my initial reluctance, his words persuaded me to agree, we stayed in the auditorium for a while carefully watching them and forgetting that we were running late. After watching the group play we realized that our adventure had made us late for class, and our teacher, known for her strict punctuality, decided to punish us with an impromptu dance. To which I really despise.

Gavvy took the lead, pulling me into a dance, a movement that made me sway and just enjoyed the moment of us holding hands and that it seemed to make the world around us pause. As I looked into his eyes, I felt my heart beat faster, the rhythm of our dance echoing in my soul. Looking into his eyes made me forget that I hate dancing, at this instance it only made me feel like I was a main character in a Romantic Film.

Hours had passed and the school day ended, Gavvy came to me and told me that it was time for our theater practice so we went there together while he was holding my hands. When we got there, the auditorium buzzed with energy as the rehearsals were underway. Gavvy and I proceeded to do the given task to us, as I was engrossed in the script, a girl approached me, introducing herself as Rayvin Joyce, the leading lady for the play. We struck up a pleasant conversation. We had so much fun talking to each other then Rayvin became my friend, while Gavvy on the other hand was busy memorizing his lines.

Then as I read through the script, a particular scene caught my attention, a kissing scene between the two main characters. It occurred to me that Gavvy might possibly kiss his leading lady, even though I was confident that they won't actually kiss and plus they're just portraying a character. I shrugged it off, reminding myself it was just acting.

Later while the rehearsal was over, Gavvy and I walked home together, he then asked me a question of what Rayvin and I were talking about and I honestly told him that me and Rayvin are having a normal conversation. His unusual curiosity about Rayvin sparked a hint of jealousy in me, but I reassured him, "There's nothing to worry about, Gavvy."

Upon reaching my house, Gavvy opened his arms wide, asking for a hug I asked him on what was he doing, he answered he was just stretching his arms because it's cold and he could use a hug, so I stepped into his arm and received an embrace, I felt a sense of warmth and comfort that made me realize I was ready to fall in love with him again.

Back inside, I changed out of my uniform and joined my family for dinner. My thoughts, however, were with Gavvy. What surprises would tomorrow bring? After dinner I went to lay down on my bed and about to fall asleep but I remembered Gavvy's gift. I quickly got out of my bed and grabbed the present and started unwrapping it.

I found a custom-made T-shirt and a heartfelt note. The note read, "This T-shirt is custom made just for the two of us. I hope you'll take good care of it." I smiled, whispering to the silence of my room, "I will." Before I went back to my bed I kept thinking that this shirt was a couple shirt.

Then I went back to lay in bed and hugged my teddy bear goodnight. Thinking the shirt was made for a couple, and the T-shirt was more than just a piece of clothing; it was a symbol of our friendship, a testament to our shared memories. With that thought, I drifted off to sleep, the promise of a new day filled with surprises awaiting me.

(To be continued…)



Gawin - unofficial editor

Clint - I miss you damn much, hun.