Chapter 15 : deep conversation

I wiped away my tears, determined to continue with our project. I turned to Marky and Larky, asking if they would be willing to join our group. Both of them readily agreed, and we began discussing our ideas and plans for the school project.

As we brainstormed on how to find local artists, I came up with the suggestion of dividing ourselves into pairs. However, before I could voice my opinion, Larky volunteered to be Gavvy's partner. My heart sank a little, as I was hoping for a chance to spend more time with Gavvy. Nevertheless, Gavvy agreed to be partnered with Larky, and Maryly and I had no choice but to work together.

We continued to plan and discuss our project until the school bell rang, signaling that it was lunchtime. I was about to approach Gavvy, but Larky reached him first. Feeling a little bit of disappointment, I decided not to interrupt and made my way to the cafeteria on my own.

As I walked towards the cafeteria, I felt a tap on my shoulder. I turned around, but there was no one there. Perplexed, I continued walking, only to feel another tap on my shoulder. This time, it was Marky. I exclaimed, "Marky?! What are you doing?"

He smiled and replied, "Are you going to eat your lunch? Let's go together." Without waiting for my response, he walked alongside me. Once there I grabbed some food and headed towards the cashier, intending to pay for my meal. However, before I could, Marky had already paid for it. I thanked him but couldn't help but say, "Thanks, but you really didn't have to do that. I can afford it, you know."

Marky shrugged and said, "Just because you can afford it doesn't mean you shouldn't be treated to a meal." I retorted, "Whatever you say." We found a place to sit in the eating area, and I focused on my food, trying to ignore his presence. Marky broke the silence and asked, "Why are you being so cold to me today?"

I avoided his gaze, remembering the dream of him from the previous night. I just replied saying, "I didn't get enough sleep. I'm just not in the mood to talk to anyone right now." I continued eating, and Marky took out his earphones, plugging them into his phone. He started listening to music, and then he surprised me by putting one of the earphones in my ear and the other in his.

To my surprise, the music playing was my favorite song, "Santigwar" by dwta. I turned to Marky and asked, "Do you like this music too?" He nodded and replied, "Yeah, do you know dwta?" I smiled and said, "Of course, I love her songs. They're not only local, but they also connect with me, especially when she sings in Bicol (A language spoken in the Bicol Region in the Philippines), which makes me feel the song more. Have you listened to her latest music?"

Marky nodded in agreement. Just as I was about to continue eating, Marky asked me something, "Have you ever kissed a guy?" I choked on my food, coughing uncontrollably. Marky looked concerned and asked if I was okay. After composing myself, I turned to him and exclaimed, "You're asking such random questions! Why would you even ask that?"

He chuckled and replied, "Oh, nothing. I just find you amusing and cute, and I wanted to know when you first realized you liked men."

My mind raced with thoughts, silently questioning if Marky was coming out of the closet. But instead of voicing those thoughts, I mustered the courage to share my own experience. "I've known I liked men since I can remember, but it fully dawned on me in high school when I met my first love. Seeing him made me realize that my heart longed for a connection with a man. But I have to admit, accepting it wasn't easy. I went through a phase of denial, trying to suppress my feelings, and even judging others like me. Being in love with the same gender is challenging, especially in a country where acceptance for the LGBTQ+ community is limited. We're often tolerated, but it hurts when people view us as less than human, as if we're descendants of demons. But I've come to believe that demons are simply angels with different perspectives on the world."

Marky listened intently, his eyes filled with understanding. "Wow, I don't know what to say, but I want you to know that you are human, not an animal. I appreciate everything you do and how you treat others, even those who don't want to acknowledge your existence." Tears welled up in my eyes, and I began to sob. Marky wrapped his arms around me, offering a comforting embrace. In that moment, I could feel his sincerity and genuine care. He wiped away my tears and held my hand firmly, saying, "Van, I'm sorry you've had to go through all of that."

That comfort really hit me and made me closer to him.

After finishing our meal, Marky and I made our way back to the classroom. As we entered, I noticed Gavvy waiting by the door, a hint of jealousy flickering in his eyes. He questioned, "Where have you been? And why are you with him? You didn't even wait for me so we could eat together."

I met his gaze and calmly replied, "I went to the cafeteria to eat. Marky decided to join me, and Larky approached you first, so I didn't want to disturb you."

Gavvy's attention shifted to my swollen eyes, concern etching his features. He asked, "Oh no! Did my sweetpea cry? I'm sorry. Larky just came to ask me for a favor. Don't be jealous, okay?"

I chuckled and responded, "Don't be silly. I didn't cry because of jealousy. It was because Marky and I had a deep conversation. It touched my emotions."

Gavvy retorted, "Tch, I'm going to punch him for making my wife cry."

I laughed and playfully replied, "Come on, Gavvy. It's nothing serious, and since when did I become your wife?"

He didn't answer, and we returned to our seats, settling down for the rest of the class.

As the hours passed, I heard Gavvy's stomach growl. I leaned over and whispered, "Are you hungry? Did you eat lunch?"

He shook his head and admitted, "I didn't. I was waiting for you to come back, hehe."

I sighed and scolded him gently, "You idiot! What if I didn't come back? You would have starved. Here, I brought a puto for myself, but it's yours now. I wouldn't want you to suffer because of me."

Gavvy gratefully accepted the puto and started eating, expressing his gratitude. The class continued, with the teacher's voice fading into the background.

Finally, the class ended, and it was time for us to head home. As usual, Gavvy and I walked together, cherishing the time we spent together. Laughter filled the air as we made our way home, enjoying each other's company.

(To be continued…)


gawin - u.e

clint - it's just you and me