Spend the day

Two days passed and i'm still not done with the preparations.

I didn't sleep for three days.

I have to plan, organise, decorate, etc…

It's like a never ending work for me.

Well now I can't complain, I chose it.

I'm sitting on my office room as I write all the things that are left to do when suddenly my phone lights up.

A message?

From Ace.

Pervert 🐒: How's the arrangement going?

Me: Very easy, i'll be done soon.

Liar. I had to or else he'll make fun of me.

Pervert🐒: Oh yeah?

Me: What do you want? let me work now otherwise you'll have another excuse to blabber about something.

Pervert🐒: It was better to spend a day with me then do all of this. It was just a day after all.

Me: Yeah, a day that would ruin my entire year.

Pervert🐒: *sends a photo*

Me: *opens*

What the heck? A shirtless picture of him.

Me: … what is this?

Pervert🐒: A nude…? 🙄

Me: I almost threw up.

Pervert🐒: Signs of pregnancy? just with a pic? 😏

Me: *deletes image*

Pervert🐒: I thought you needed motivation ☹️.

I want to block him but what's the point? i'll have to unblock him again.

I put my phone down, ignoring his messages.





Why is he annoying me?!!

I look at my phone screen.

Pervert🐒: Need more?

Pervert🐒: I know that motivated you.

Pervert🐒: I have lots more. 😌

Me: Kindly leave me alone and get lost.

Pervert🐒: That's not kind. I'm crying. 😔

That's not how you should talk to your senior but I think I got used to it now and plus he's my neighbour so—


Damn. He won't even let me have thoughts.

Mom<3: Raya? Are you busy?

Oh it's mom.

Me: Why? what's up, Mom?


Pervert🐒: You should try to say sorry or something. 😔



Mom<3: Nothing much, I want to talk to you, call me when you're done.

Me: Alright.


Pervert🐒: I'm actually crying. 😞

I click on his message and suddenly I get another message from mom.

Mom<3: Love you ♥️

Me: Love youuu 😘



I accidentally sent it to Ace.

No no no!!

I quickly tap on the message to delete it but before that the ticks turned blue.

He read it.


Pervert🐒: *screenshot*

Me: *deletes message*

Pervert🐒: I would've never guessed.

Me: Shut up, it was not for you. You keep annoying me, your messages kept popping on my screen so I accidentally clicked it.

Pervert🐒: …oh? then was it for your boyfriend?

Pervert🐒: With a kiss emoji too?

Pervert🐒: Cringe.


I breath out heavily.

5 minutes later, door opens

I look up and he's standing there. He walks inside closing the door behind him. What does he want now?

"Wasn't it enough to annoy me over the phone?" I say.

"You blocked me again." He lifts his eyebrows and sits on the chair.

"You are not letting me do my job and why didn't you knock? don't you have any manners?"

"Well it's not like you would have someone here— or maybe you would, right, you have a boyfriend sending him cringey messages and all, what's his name?"

"Do you want all the work to be done before October 4th or not?"



"Ahem— i'll give you another chance."


"You can spend the whole day being my assistant and you won't have to do this."

"The assistant part wasn't there before."

"Now it is. Think about it that's much easier and after a week you'll have more work with the new project."

I could get it over with, after all it's just a day.

But with him…?

"I won't eat you."

"You never know." I mumble. "Uh…a whole day?"


"Whole day?"


"Can't it be just 12 hours?"


"So if I be your secretary for a whole day then I won't need to do these preparations right?"


I think.

And keep thinking.

"It's just 24h." He says

Yeah for you, for me it would be an eternity.




"Great, then i'll see you at my apartment at 12:00AM."


"Yeah, your day will start at 12AM 2nd October and end at 12AM 3rd October."

"What am I supposed to—"

"And no questions."


"Be on time." He gets up and leaves.

Why do I have a bad feeling about this?

It's ok, it's just a day. Just a day.

After work

I finished some paperwork for the next project.

And now i'm going home.

I'm going to wait for Julia.

"Waiting for your boyfriend?" A voice comes from behind me.

I turn back and of course it's Ace.

"Going home?"

"Yes." I stand straight looking forward.

"I'll give you a ride."


"You'll have to be at my apartment at 12AM, what if you get late?"

"It's 8:00PM."

"Yeah and when you'll go home, you're gonna brush, take a shower, eat, think, touch and that will take time."


"It's not my problem if you're late but if you do get late i'll add an extra hour."

I sigh.


I get in his car and immediately text Julia.

"Texting your boyfriend?"

"Do I need to talk to you also or what?"

"Well after the time starts, be polite to me."


He starts driving.

His car looks very expensive, not surprising, he is rich after all.

He puts on a song.

…a romantic song—?

The ride was already awkward.

The song being 'Perfect by Ed Sheeran.'

~But darling, just kiss me slow

Your heart is all I own

And in your eyes, you're holding mine~

"What the fuck is this?" He says turning it off and changing it to another song.

I think this song is from 'The Weekend' don't know which one.

Whatever I just want to go home.

30 seconds later

~Asked me if I do this every day, I said, "Often"

Asked how many times she rode the wave, "Not so often"

Bitches down to do it either way, often

Baby I can make that pussy rain, often

Often, often, girl I do this often

Make that pussy pop and do it how I want it


I turn the music off.

"Why did you turn it off?" He looks at me then back at the road. "It was getting better."

"How can you listen to these type of music with your coworker?"

"Why? can't I listen it with my coworkers?" He scoffs.


"Well I did and they also like these 'type' of music."

"They must be your friends not coworkers."

"Then you should cover your ears." He mock smiles. "I'm gonna play another song that you'll probably love." He smirks before playing another song.

~I'ma smoke this joint then I'ma break you off

I'd be lying if I said you ain't the one

All these tattoos in my skin they turn you on

Lotta smoking, drinking, that's the shit I'm on

Heard you not the type that you take home to mom

Is we fucking when we leave the club or nah?

I ain't spending cash for nothing, I wanna see you take it off~

What the—

He is doing this on purpose.

I can see an evil smile on his face.

I take out my airpods and play a song.

He turns the volume up.

Whenever he stops in a red signal I cover my face, I don't want people to think that I know this monkey.

15 minutes later


He parks the car and before leaving he hands me a spare key to his apartment.

"I'll just ring the bell—"

"What if i'm busy, so take this, I don't like being disturbed."

I walk upstairs and go towards my apartment he walks behind me and makes a way to his apartment.

"Don't be late~"

I roll my eyes and enter my house closing the door behind me.

That was the most uncomfortable and weird ride ever.

I take a shower and eat dinner before brushing my teeth.

I look at the time, it's 11:52.

It's ok, it's ok… just a day.

Just. A. Day.

I ring the bell.

No answer.

I guess i'll have to use the key.

This is so weird.

I open the door and enter closing the door behind me.

"Ahem— I am here."

No answer again.

I walk towards the couch and sit.

No, I should find him, he'll tell me that I was not on time.

I get up.

"Uhm, Mr. Hart?" I walk around.

This must be his bedroom.

I don't want to go in.


I walk in, carefully.

"Mr. Hart?"

His apartment is cleaner then I thought.

"Mr. Ha—" Someone is standing behind me. "Aghh!" I scream as I turn around.

He was standing there with no clothes only a towel wrapped around his lower body, I quickly look away.

"Why are you walking around like this?"

"I just took a shower. Good thing you're on time." He dries his hair with another towel. "Let's sleep."


"What? you don't sleep at night?"


"Oh you thought I meant…together?" He chuckles.

"Then I could've just stayed home and come here in the morning."

"You can sleep wherever you want."

Did he just ignore me?

He takes the sweatpants from the wardrobe and goes inside the washroom.

I look around, did he say 'wherever'?

Sleep here, wherever? when you're around…?


I don't think so.

What am I even doing with my life?

"Hey?" He calls me as I take a step out in the living room.

"What?" I answer.

"Can you cook?"

"…depends on what i'm cooking."

"Hm…I wake up at 6:30 and for breakfast I usually eat something healthy."

"…So?" I say and realise why's he telling me that. "Ok."

"You're gonna sleep in the living room?"

"Yeah or do you want me to sleep somewhere else? Sir." I say almost sarcastically.

"Heh, no, you can sleep in the guest room."

"Ok." I eye around and then answer.

I walk around the house trying to find the guest room, he could've told me but of course why would he.

Finally I found it.

Looks like no one slept here for quite some time.

I make sure to lock the door before hoping on the bed.

In total they're were 3 bedrooms, one being his, obviously, one being a guest room and the other one looked like someone's, I couldn't see the framed photo.

Stop thinking and sleep.

I close my eye and slowly drift to sleep before I hear some noise from outside.

Maybe it's him monkey-ing around.