
"Where are you going?" Rose grabs my wrist. "Can you explain what in the heck is going on here?"

"Ehm… excuse me sweetheart, let him go he needs to talk to his girlfriend." Says mom almost annoyed by Rose, she grabs her hand and releases my wrist. "Son, go." She smiles.

I walk outside and look around.

"Where did she go?"

I walk around for a while and she's not here. Whatever.

I go upstairs to the rooftop, take out my cigarette and light it up while I look at the sky.

It's kind of peaceful to stare at nothing. It gets me bored but still peaceful.

I look at my left side as I felt someone's presence.


"Here you are." I say, looking at Raya.

She's staring at those stars as if she has some personal problem with them.

She turns her head to me. "What?"

"Ahem- …do you not like your family?"

"Who said that?" She looks up again.

"They are excited to celebrate your birthday and you just stormed out of there."

"Since when did you start to care?"

"I don't. My mom also seemed excited that's why, you could've at least cut the cake before coming here."

"I don't like celebrating my birthday."

"Looks like you're not the only who's disappointed by your birth."

"Stop smoking." She says looking the other way.

"You're asking or giving orders?"

"I can't breath because of the smoke. If you want to smoke go the other way."

"You're the one who has the problem, you go."

"I will and I hope you don't make your way there and start annoying me."


She walks to the other side. I throw the cigarette down and step on it.

I slowly make my way behind her, placing my hands on the railing and trapping her in the middle.

"Move." She says.

"Why do you keep staring at the stars, i'm way more stareable."

I hear no answer.

"Feels like you want me to stay behind you, do you like hearing my voice?"


Hearing her sniff, I tilt my head slightly.


Is she crying?

I move back and stand beside her.

"Ok…I won't touch you, no need to cry. I was just joking." I look around not knowing what to say. "…Are you crying because you're getting older? or is it because they didn't bring your favourite cake?"

She wipes her tears but they keep falling.

"Oh…is it because your boyfriend is not here?"

She starts crying more.

"It's because of that? then why don't you call that monke- man…?"

She breathes out and walks away.

"I'm giving you a solution-"

"Can you please stop talking, I want to be alone." She says and sits on the bench.

"Good people don't get appreciated these days." I walk to my apartment.

She's definitely mentally not good.

As soon as I open the door, they're waiting to surprise her.

"Happy Birthda— Oh. Ace?" Mom looks behind me. "And Raya?"

"Yeah where's she?" Asks Raya's mom.

"Uh… she wants to be alone for a while." I answer.

"Why? is everything okay?" Mom asks.

"Yeah mom, everything's ok…" I say.

Silence fills the room. I can see my mom and her parents getting worried.

"It's good actually, we have more time to prepare…" I say changing the topic.

"Yeah that's true, I couldn't even decorate because of the hurry." Says mom.

"Alexa go keep an eye on the door and if she comes tell us." His mom gives him a task.

"Alexa? pfft." Ally laughs. "I thought you were a boy."

"Mom…!" Alex whines, still pretending to be cool. "Actually my mom has a disorder, she can't pronounce names correctly." He runs his hand through his hair. "My name's Alexander but you can call me yours—"

"Alexa you're going or not…?" Says his mom.

"Fine…" He winks at Ally and walks to the door.

I should keep him away from my sister. He's so flirty and on the other side his sister has 0 skills.

"Ally…you shouldn't talk to these kind of boys." I whisper.

"Aren't you also like that, big bro?"

"Ahem- well my case is different, you are a kid."

"Don't worry, I already have a boyfriend."


"Yes, his name is Eric, he's in my class."

"…sweetheart, you can't have a boyfriend."


"Because you're a kid…?! and who is that Eric? how dare he ask you out?!"

"He didn't ask me out. He doesn't talk to me, I like him."

"So… how is he your boyfriend?"

"Well I like him, so that means he's my boyfriend."

"Oh…" She probably doesn't even know what dating means…what was I thinking?

After a while my parents and her parents totally forget what they were, instead they sat down and started having a random conversation.

Is she even planning to come here…?

Hope she doesn't, that would be a waste of my energy, i'd have to act again.

Come to think of it…why does she hate celebrating her birthday?