Narumi vs Shinsuke

Minami no Hanashi : Yume - Prelude

As they locked eyes in a staring contest, Ayemi's tone turned cold and menacing.

-(Ayemi) Take your hand off.

Minami was not intimidated.

-(Minami) No. It's for Sanae. 

-(Ayemi) She should've come herself if it's for her.

The lady behind the counter spoke up.

-(Lady) She's right, Minami. Let her have it. It's too bad for Sanae.

With those words, Ayemi snatched the dessert and wore a provocative smile.

-(Ayemi) Hehehe!

Minami was irritated.

-(Lady) Next time, tell Sanae to come herself, or not to forget. 

-(Minami) There should be enough! 

-(Lady) Huh? The students can serve themselves again finally. 

-(Minami) Because we're allowed to!? 

-(Lady) Yes. There's enough dessert for everyone. And there's not just ice cream. It used to be only once per person. Now, to avoid waste, we allow students to take seconds. 

-(Minami) Okay. Good to know.

At Ayemi's Table

-(Ayemi) Mmmh, it's so good! 

-(Minami) Shut up.

Ayemi burst into laughter, openly mocking Minami.

-(Minami) Pig! Sanae didn't even get one! 

-(Ayemi) This is my first one. I forgot to get it earlier. 

-(Minami) Really? 

-(Ayemi) Yeah, really.

Ayemi's friends arrived at their table.

-(Rikka) Ugh… Minami here? Ayemi? What does she want? Don't tell me she's become our friend now. 

-(Ayemi) Pff. As if! She's just— 

-(Minami) Nooo Ayemi! Please! Don't force me to eat this ice cream! It's not good for my diet! 

-(Ayemi) Are you crazy? I— 

-(Minami) If you wave it in my face like that, I'll be tempted to take it… Don't do that to me! 

-(Ayemi) But it's—

Rikka and Kaori exchanged mischievous smiles.

-(Rikka, Kaori) Hehe…

Kaori took Ayemi's ice cream.

-(Kaori) Minami~ 

-(Rikka) Mmmh, it smells so good!! 

-(Kaori) It would be a shame to waste such a good ice cream! she said, waving the dessert. 

-(Ayemi) Are you guys stupid!?

Minami took the ice cream, putting on a sad expression.

-(Minami) Thank you, Ayemi, for trying to help with my diet but… Your friends got me…

With those words, Minami turned on her heels and left under the laughter of Rikka and Kaori.

-(Rikka) She's so stupid! She's going to gain weight now. 

-(Ayemi) MY ICE CREAM!

Rikka gave Ayemi a questioning look, while Kaori asked, "Don't tell me you wanted to help her with her diet..."

-(Ayemi) Of—of course not. Who do you think I am! I just wanted that ice cream! 

-(Rikka) But who cares about that! 

-(Ayemi) I DO!

Kaori sighed and patted Ayemi on the shoulder.

Kaori tried to calm Ayemi down.

-(Kaori) Come on, let's go out. I'll buy you some ice cream, no need to get angry. 

-(Ayemi) Ahem… Thank you. 

-(Ayemi) But girls... 

-(Rikka, Kaori) Hm? 

-(Ayemi) She totally played you. 

-(Rikka, Kaori) What?

At Minami's Table

-(Minami) Hehe, they're so dumb! Eat quickly, Sanae! 

-(Sanae) Who are you talking about? What did you do? 

-(Minami) Eat! I'll explain later!

Suddenly, Rikka stormed over and slammed her fist on the table.

-(Rikka) Are you mocking us?

Minami couldn't help but laugh at their stupidity.

-(Kaori) Give me that.

Seeing how Kaori addressed Sanae, Minami became serious and stood up to face them.

-(Minami) Touch one hair on Sanae, and I'll smash you on the spot. 

-(Kaori, Rikka)... 

-(Ayemi) Leave the ice cream. 

-(Sanae) I don't know who Minami stole it from, but take it back, I haven't touched it. 

-(Ayemi) No. Consider it a thank you for earlier. Without you, those brutes wouldn't have left me alone. 

-(Sanae) It was Minami who— 

-(Minami) Without you, I wouldn't have spoken up, so... Quiet Sanae and eat, please!! I worked so hard to get it! 

-(Sanae) Well... then thank you! 

-(Ayemi) It's nothing.

The girls suspected Ayemi of being too nice to Minami. They gave her a contemptuous look.

-(Ayemi) Don't get confused, girls. It's just that Minami is disgusting. Sanae might be her friend, but they have nothing in common.

As they left, Rikka and Kaori seemed to trust Ayemi's judgment again. Leaving Minami's table, they gave her the finger and hurried back to join their friend.

Minami's loyal friend seemed delighted to enjoy her favorite dessert.

-(Minami) Thanks for accepting it! 

-(Sanae) Yes, but don't do that again! If there's no more, there's no more! 

-(Minami) Yes, yes. But you looked like you really wanted it! 

-(Sanae) So what? I should've remembered. 

-(Minami) Okay, okay.

Back at the Katayama house, Azumi and Narumi had finished eating. Narumi was clearing the table. Concerned about her daughter, Azumi offered her help, but Narumi had already finished.

-(Azumi) Do you need help? 

-(Narumi) No, it's okay, I'm done!

Narumi joined her mother, who was sitting in an armchair. She was determined and ready to listen to her mother's concerns.

-(Narumi) Okay! Tell me everything, mom.

Azumi started thinking of a simple way to explain. While she was thinking, Narumi sat with her back straight, head up, and a focused look.

-(Azumi) It's about your father, she said with a smile and spontaneity.

Narumi was surprised to hear that the problem was actually her father.

-(Narumi) DAD?

Azumi played along with Narumi.

-(Azumi) Yes!

Then she thought out loud, pretending to reflect: "This morning he was… how to say…"

-(Narumi) Like he was in the clouds?! 

-(Azumi) Yes, a bit… And he seemed a little— 

-(Narumi) Lost?!

Seeing her daughter so much more invested than she was, Azumi couldn't help but let out a laugh. Narumi wasn't taking this lightly at all; she was passionate and determined.

-(Narumi) Mom, this isn't funny! I'm taking my role very seriously! 

-(Azumi) Ahem, yes, and he didn't talk to me as usual...

This time, Azumi was genuinely trying to put a word on what she felt during their last interaction. But before she could find the right word, Narumi took her hand to reassure her. "Mom... Let me take care of it!"

Azumi found it amusing to let her daughter handle it for once.

-(Azumi) Are you sure? 

-(Narumi) You'll see! I'll get him to spill the beans, and everything will be resolved in no time! 

"Oh~ I can't wait to see that!" she replied, letting out a soft laugh. 

-(Narumi) I know you don't take me seriously, but you'll see, Mom! For once, you won't have to do anything! 

-(Narumi) I'll think about my plan! she said, rushing up the stairs.

Narumi is the most determined in the world when she wants to help her mother. She went to her room to devise her plan without limits!

-(Azumi) Don't overdo it! 

-(Narumi) Yes!

In her room, Narumi grabbed a pen and paper and started writing.

-(Narumi) It's time to apply Jun's ridiculous advice! The situation is critical; I have no choice.

Narumi felt like she was in a TV series.

"Rule #1 for extracting information from someone: Destabilization through a series of questions! Rule #2 for extracting information from someone: Destabilization through accusations! Rule #3 for extracting information from someone: Interrupting them constantly to throw them off balance!" 

-(Narumi) Alright... Now the real trouble begins. I'm not facing just anyone; these techniques might be effective, but we're talking about Dad here.

She stared intensely at her phone, as if resisting an urge.

-(Narumi) No! I can't... I have to do this on my own.

Narumi managed to resist for only two minutes. She then grabbed her phone and called Satoshi Jun.

-(Jun) Hello? 

-(Narumi) Jun! 

-(Jun) Uh... I recognize that tone. It's a no.

He hung up immediately, which greatly irritated Narumi.

-(Narumi) WHAT?

She called him back right away.

-(Narumi) ... 

-(Jun) Hello? I hope this is serious— 

-(Narumi) I need you to help destabilize my dad. She declared urgently.

Upon hearing the absurdity of the request, a silence fell. Jun looked towards the window next to him. After a few moments, he suddenly hung up and then put his phone on silent.

-(Jun) You guys need me? 

-(?) Yeah, come over!

In Narumi's room

Narumi sighed, letting out a humor-tinged remark.

-(Narumi) Well, that was to be expected.

She quickly followed up with a hint of condescension in her voice.

-(Narumi) Anyway, it's up to me and me alone to solve this problem! Mom is completely overwhelmed by events! I must help her!

Meanwhile, in the living room, Azumi was comfortably seated, absorbed by the TV program.

Narumi gave herself a determined look, with a touch of naivety in her conviction.

-(Narumi) Mom entrusted me with this mission because she believes in me! I'm the only one she trusts in this house! She must be very stressed by everything that's happening!

Meanwhile, in the living room, Azumi continued watching television, completely unconcerned about the supposed crisis unfolding in her daughter's room.

Still determined and slightly ridiculous, Narumi prepared to take on the challenge. A few hours later, Shinsuke finally returned home. As soon as he stepped through the front door, his daughter Narumi jumped in front of him, her face displaying ultimate confidence.

-(Narumi) Mom, Dad's home!

Without waiting, she grabbed Shinsuke's bag and darted off into the house. Shinsuke hurriedly took off his shoes. Meanwhile, Azumi joined her husband at the entrance to welcome him.

-(Azumi) Help him with his—

But Narumi, ever vigilant, interrupted from afar.

-(Narumi) Already done!

Azumi gave Shinsuke a warm smile.

-(Azumi) How are you?

Shinsuke, puzzled, took Azumi's hand. He immediately noticed her finger injury.

-(Shinsuke) What happened?

Azumi calmly explained the situation without saying too much, knowing they were being listened to.

-(Azumi) It was at lunchtime; I was cooking and burned myself a little.

Meanwhile, Narumi, spying from the stairs, decided to make her entrance. With an ironic tone, she tried to ease Shinsuke's worries, looking at him intensely.

-(Narumi) Oh, it's nothing! It happens in the kitchen!

Shinsuke, perplexed, glanced at Narumi, who squinted in a nearly threatening manner to signal the beginning of hostilities. Narumi attempted to project an intimidating aura to start the conversation. But he certainly wasn't intimidated by his daughter. He turned to his wife and asked, "Are you okay?"

This simple question made Azumi beam with joy.

-(Azumi) Yes, I'm perfectly fine! It doesn't hurt at all anymore. And Narumi took great care of me.

Narumi, with a hint of pride, added, "Yes! Mom trusts only ME! So, of course, I'm fulfilling my role, hehe." 

"The plan is going perfectly! Dad, I'm going to make you spill everything!" she thought, flashing a provocative smile.

Shinsuke noticed his daughter's good mood.

-(Shinsuke) You seem to be in a good mood, Narumi. 

-(Narumi) Yes, Dad! Come to the living room; I have to tell you why!

Meanwhile, Azumi went upstairs to take care of the clean laundry.

In the living room

Narumi stood facing Shinsuke, who was seated in the armchair.

-(Narumi) hmm…

Shinsuke observed Narumi attentively.

-(Narumi) Here we go! What were you doing at 4 AM? 

-(Shinsuke) I was sleeping—

Narumi insisted with more conviction.

-(Narumi) Where were you at 9 AM?! 

-(Shinsuke) At work—

With a touch of suspicion, she continued.

-(Narumi) Oh, sure~ 

"You can't fool me, Dad! There's no point in lying!" she added.

Shinsuke remained silent.

-(Narumi) Ah-Ha! I knew it! You're definitely hiding something! Mom told me you were acting strange this morning, and I see she was right!

When she was little, Narumi loved playing detective.

-(Shinsuke) ... 

-(Narumi) Rule number two activated!

She widened her eyes for emphasis and exclaimed theatrically.

-(Narumi) Don't tell me you're cheating on Mom!!

Shinsuke remained calm in the face of his daughter's absurdities. He looked at her as if he were watching TV.

-(Narumi) But yes, of course! Now that I think about it...

Convinced of her reasoning, she continued: "I've never seen you kiss her!!!" She stared intently at Shinsuke, waiting for his response. He finally reacted.

-(Shinsuke) Oh really? 

-(Narumi) Yes!... Have you ever kissed her?? 

-(Shinsuke) What kind of question is that. Of course I have. He replied calmly.

Narumi frowned.

-(Narumi) You lie a lot, I find! When you love someone...

She pointed at him with a doubtful expression.

-(Narumi) IT SHOWS!

Shinsuke remained impassive and made a suggestion.

-(Shinsuke) Why don't you call your mother.

Narumi, with a threatening look, complied.

-(Narumi) Mom! Dad is calling you!

Azumi slowly descended the stairs to join the scene.

Before she had time to approach properly, Shinsuke stood up, grabbed her by the waist, and kissed her, to Narumi's astonished eyes.