Chapter 3 : First Kill

 Brian came to his father's room and opened the closet. There was a black box inside, but he was not too surprised. He had already discovered this box just a few days after he traveled through time.

Every man has fantasized about touching a real gun, let alone someone who has never touched a real firearm. Therefore, every time he comes home from school and has nothing to do, he will look up some videos on the use of firearms on the computer. 

After assembling the pistol with ease, Brian knew that, due to the fact that Americans can legally possess guns and the current situation of infection outbreaks, he would definitely use it in the future.

Back in his room, the TV emitted bright light and illuminated the room, and the content inside had already turned into a news report.

At this moment, a female anchor was standing outside a separation fence to report. Behind her, a group of houses were being burned by raging flames.

"The incident we initially reported as a riot actually seemed to be related to the national epidemic. We received news that infected patients have increasingly serious violent tendencies."

But just when the female host was about to continue talking, a special police officer suddenly ran up behind her, and he shouted to the three special police officers standing inside the isolation barrier:

"Everyone evacuate here quickly; there is a gas leak!"

As soon as the female host heard the news, she immediately turned around and faced the camera to report the news she had just received.

But who knew that as soon as she said something, the police officer turned around and pointed at the camera, opened the isolation barrier, and ran towards the female host, shouting:

"Ma'am, get out of there right now."


As soon as the police officer finished speaking, the house behind him suddenly exploded violently. There was a flash of white light, the TV screen was cut off instantly, and the entire screen turned into snowflakes.

Along with the explosion inside the TV, there was also a shockingly loud noise outside the window at the same time, and red flames shot into the sky, briefly lighting up the night.

"Fuck me!"

Brian was shocked at what he had just seen, and he cursed unconsciously. Ever since he learned that the infectious disease was out of control, he had always felt that this plot was very familiar. It was exactly the same as in Doomsday movies and games. He knew that he seemed to have arrived in one of them. What an incredible world!

"I can't be so unlucky."

Without thinking too much, Brian quickly took out a backpack from the closet and rushed downstairs. Dogs barked constantly from outside, and police cars roared past the house from time to time, as if indicating that a complete disaster was about to break out.

Ignoring what was going on outside, he quickly went to the kitchen and opened the refrigerator. He found some canned food and vegetables stored inside, and he put his backpack in there without thinking too much.

Then he ran to the storage room. There was a dagger displayed in a protective box hanging on the wall. This was his father's collection and was said to be very expensive.

Brian picked up the ashtray on the table, smashed the glass without hesitation, and took out the dagger. The most important things in the apocalypse are food and self-defense weapons.


At this moment, the constant sound of dogs and dogs outside the window suddenly stopped, and then the barking of dogs immediately turned into miserable howls.


This miserable sound immediately attracted Brian's attention, and he could feel that the sound was not too far from his home.

"It's Sarah's house!"

Thinking of this, Brian didn't care about packing. He put a backpack full of food on his back, picked up the flashlight next to him with his left hand, held the pistol in his right hand, opened the sliding door of the yard, and rushed out.

Although he didn't get along with Sarah too much, he felt that it was necessary to go over and remind her.

"Cubo, stop it!"


As soon as I walked out of the door, I came to my yard. Brian heard a sound coming from the backyard of Sarah's house next door, followed by a muffled sound as if something had been hit.

"What's the situation?"

Although he didn't know exactly what happened, Brian knew something must have happened over there. He stepped on the flower bed and easily climbed over the low fence.

But as soon as he landed, he was shocked by the scene in front of him. Two wooden boards were broken on the other end of the fence. Cooper, Sarah's next-door neighbor, was pressing on Joel; his eyes were red and his mouth was open. It seemed that he wanted to bite him.

Joel, who was pinned down, grabbed the opponent's neck. After being knocked down, he felt extremely desperate, but Brian's sudden appearance gave him hope again.

Pushing up hard with both hands, he yelled at Brian, who was still stunned in place:

"Have you gone crazy? Why are you still standing there? Help me get him down."


After being shouted out by Joel, Brian came back to his senses. Although he was holding a pistol and a dagger, he had no killing experience at all. He didn't dare to kill him at all, so he had to lift a flower pot and throw it towards Cooper. His head was smashed.


Mud and debris were scattered all over the ground. This violent blow obviously dealt a big blow. The momentum of the downward bite suddenly decreased, and he hugged his head tightly with both hands, which looked extremely painful.

Joel, who was under him, saw this scene, picked up the crowbar that fell next to him, swung it upward with force, and knocked Cooper to the ground.

Then he immediately stood up, stepped on the opponent's chest, raised the crowbar, and smashed it at the opponent's head once, twice, three times...

Blood spattered on Joel's cheeks and clothes. He kept fighting back as if he was possessed by a demon. It wasn't until the infected man stopped struggling that he gradually stopped, put down the crowbar in his hand, and stared blankly. The corpse, Joel, couldn't believe it was his own doing.


Such a bloody scene shocked Brian's soul. Even though he had seen many similar scenes in movies and games in the past, it also had an extremely huge impact. Finally, he could no longer bear it and ran to the corner to vomit.


As the saying goes, one wave comes after another. Just when Joel was stunned in place and Blake was vomiting in the corner, a ferocious head popped out of the damaged part of the fence. He roared loudly, and his body was shaking. He stopped and squeezed towards me, trying to rush into the courtyard and bite two people.

But as soon as he crawled out halfway, a raised piece of broken board underneath hit his waist, making it impossible for him to enter at all for a while.


The sudden appearance of the infected person attracted the attention of two people, and they recognized the man in front of them at a glance. It was Jimmy who lived with Cooper.

"Come on, go to the house."

Joel was the first to react. He called to the boy in the corner and then ran towards his house.

Seeing Joel leave, Brian didn't dare stay here anymore. Following him, a few people walked into the house.



As soon as he entered the house, Brian heard someone's name beside him. When he looked toward the source of the sound, it turned out that Sarah was standing not far away, looking at them with a confused expression.

After everyone came in, Joel closed the glass door, walked quickly to the table next to the door, put the pistol box in the drawer, quickly assembled the firearm, and at the same time shouted to Brian aside:

"Leave with Sarah from back and stay away from the door."

"Dad, you scared me a little. What happened?"

She had never seen her father look so nervous before. Sarah also became nervous for a moment, and her voice even trembled.

"Sarah, let's get out of here first. I'll explain it to you later."

Looking at Sarah, who was a little frightened, Brian wanted to tell her the whole story, but when he thought of Jimmy, who was stuck on the guardrail, he understood that it was not a good place to stay for a long time, so he walked over to Sarah and took her towards the gate. 




Such a strange scene in front of her made Sarah really panic. She was about to ask Blake what happened, but as soon as she said the words, the sliding door beside them and the door behind them suddenly burst with violent impact.

If Brian expected Jimmy to appear behind the sliding door, then the sudden impact behind them was completely unexpected.

This feeling of being attacked from both sides was very uncomfortable. When he saw that Joel had assembled the pistol and pointed it at Jimmy behind the sliding door, he took a deep breath, stood in front of Sarah, and also raised the pistol. Facing another impact point, the girl was invisibly protected in the middle.

"calm down!"

Controlling his trembling hands, Brian swallowed. In his previous life, he was just a clerk. He had never experienced such a thing, but he also knew that it would be extremely difficult to survive without courage in a disaster. so no matter how scared he is in his heart, he must overcome it.


The time will eventually come, and with the sound of shattering glass behind him, the door in front of him was also violently knocked open.

The infected person with red eyes entered the room, only to hear it let out a sharp scream, and then pounced towards the prey in front of it.

Seeing the terrifying face of the infected person getting closer and closer, Brian somehow lost his initial fear. He felt a strange energy surge into his body.

The pupils of his eyes suddenly shrank, and his trembling body instantly returned to control. He quickly raised the pistol, pointed the black hole muzzle at the head of the infected person in front of him, and let out a roar from his mouth.




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