Chapter 41

"Quick! Everyone act quickly!"

Colbert's face was solemn, and he urged the soldiers to act quickly. Two rows of passenger cars were close to each other on the street and parked across the intersection. The doors and windows of the houses and shops on both sides were all sealed by them to prevent infected people from running inside and Cross the defensive zone.

They fully contracted, abandoning the outskirts of the town and concentrating their forces to defend the streets around the center of the town. The soldiers carried boxes of ammunition and climbed to nearby rooftops. Some brave people even climbed directly onto the passenger cars. On top of that, ready to attack any infected people who may appear at any time.

Some of the remaining soldiers were collecting glass containers and gasoline to make Molotov cocktails, while others moved large furniture such as sofas and cabinets from residences to seal up the bottoms and gaps of the buses.

From time to time, explosions were heard from the outskirts of the town. It seemed that the small team of street soldiers patrolling the outskirts was using grenades to attract the attention of the infected and buy time for the large forces in the center of the town.

Seeing that the tight defense line had been deployed, Colbert was slightly relieved. At least they were no longer engaging in hand-to-hand combat with the infected. As he shouted to the liaison officer beside him, "Has the rest of the defense line been deployed? !"

"The defense line on the east side has been prepared, and the defense areas on the north and south are almost ready!" The liaison officer compiled the news he had just received and reported it to the commander.


But just when he finished speaking, a frightening roar and running footsteps suddenly sounded outside the dark town, and then countless infected people with pale faces and red eyes appeared in the light with their teeth and claws. Then, like an overwhelming force, they rushed towards the bus at the end of the street.

Seeing the infected people rushing towards them in the distance, Colbert's expression suddenly changed, and he didn't care what to say anymore. He quickly ran to the window and shouted to all the soldiers around him, "Fire!"

"Da da da--!"

As soon as these words came out, there was a sudden burst of gunfire, and bullets were fired like hail at the first row of infected people. Blood splattered everywhere, and in an instant, dozens of infected people fell powerlessly on the snow.

The moment the corpse fell to the ground, it also tripped up the infected people running behind it. Before it could struggle to stand up, the infected people crowding forward from behind stepped on them hard, knocking them down. The infected on the ground were drowned in the waves.

Every time an infected person falls to the ground, several infected people behind it will be tripped together. At a glance, the number of infected people trampled to death is greater than those shot. Even those who are advancing The speed slowed down slightly.

But after all, the infected person is a corpse controlled by the Cordyceps fungus. He has no fear at all, and he doesn't even look at the deaths of his companions around him. He still runs forward dully, following the instructions given by the fungus.

Colbert looked at the infected people, who were getting closer and closer. Even though he had experienced it on the battlefield, cold sweat could not help but break out on his forehead.

When the infected group was less than a meter away from the defense zone, he shouted again to the surrounding soldiers, "Throw grenades!"

Upon hearing the officer's order, the soldiers, who had been preparing for a long time, picked up the grenades, pulled out the pins, raised their hands, and threw them toward the group of infected people running at the front.

"Boom! Boom! Boom!"

Dozens of grenades flew through the air and landed among the infected people. In an instant, explosions sounded one after another. Black fog rolled up on the streets. Only countless infected people could be vaguely seen being blown away. The blackened stumps and broken arms reached the air and landed heavily on the surrounding roofs, with scarlet blood still flowing from the fractures.

When the black mist gradually cleared, everyone discovered that the ground had been dented by grenades. Lying on top of the dent was someone who had died early or whose legs had been blown away and could no longer run. The progress of the infected person was blocked for a while.

At the same time, violent gunfire and grenade explosions also rang out on the streets adjacent to their main road. It seemed that the infected people who could not enter this road were walking along the streets on both sides. 

Although the soldiers' submachine guns kept firing wildly, the grenades they threw were also very effective in slowing down the progress of the infected and killing many.

But what they did was like a drop in the bucket of water in front of the infected people with no end in sight, and its effect could be said to be minimal.

Soon the infected people roared at these hateful humans, stepped on the bodies of their companions who fell on the ground, and rushed forward again.

Colbert saw that the infected people had gathered again and were running towards this side again. Knowing that a confrontation was inevitable, he turned his head and shouted to the soldiers in the defense area, "Soldiers on the roof of the car. All prostrate, all soldiers prepared to withstand the impact!"

After the directive was released, all the soldiers standing on the bus lay down on the roof, but their hands were not idle at all. They unloaded and replaced magazines with smooth movements and kept shooting at the infected with their submachine guns, not missing any of them. 

On the other side of the bus, a lot of furniture was piled up, blocking all the gaps between the street and the bus. The soldiers immediately put down what they were holding after hearing the instructions. The celebrities nearby quickly stood in a row and stood up. The passenger car took a posture to resist the impact.

With the deafening running and roaring of the infected, as well as the fierce shooting and roaring of the soldiers, the crowded group of infected people in front and behind slammed into the body of the bus, and the infected person who hit the bus at the front was alive. Pressed into patties.

The huge impact caused by the crowding of thousands of people moved the large bus parked in two rows backward by tens of centimeters. The bus parked in the middle tilted forward and backward, leaving two gaps just big enough for people to pass through.

Several soldiers lying on the roof of the car did not expect to encounter such a huge impact. They flew directly from the roof of the car and fell into the group of infected people, letting out bursts of desperate screams.

Colbert stood at the back of the window, looking at the infected people blocked by the bus below, but his face was not tense but rather relieved.

What he was most worried about was that the side-by-side buses would not be able to withstand the huge impact of the infected group and would be hit with a huge gap. At that time, they would have to evacuate immediately, and they could run away with as many people as they could.

He just ordered everyone to shoot and throw grenades so that the infected could not use their inertia to impact the bus. Although the current situation was still very dangerous, it was much better than he expected.

But just when he breathed a sigh of relief, the group of infected people behind him began to squeeze forward. The truck that had been parked side by side began to tremble slightly and moved back a little bit, and the gap between the buses in the middle began to tilt. It's getting bigger and bigger.

Seeing this situation, Colbert's pupils shrank sharply, and he no longer felt as relaxed as before, he shouted to the soldiers, "Hold up the bus, prepare a Molotov cocktail, and throw it towards the back of the infected person. Don't let it go. They are continuing to squeeze in!"

The soldiers also saw the situation in the bus, especially the soldiers on the roof, whose faces were as pale as paper. However, they did not run away. Instead, they raised their guns and angrily shot at the infected people who were squeezing towards the gap. Pulling the trigger.

The soldiers on the roofs on both sides also lit the Molotov cocktails in their hands and threw them with all their strength toward the group of infected people in the distance.


With several crisp sounds of broken glass, the Molotov cocktail hit the infected people's feet heavily, and the bright-colored flames ignited all the infected people nearby. There was even a bottle of Molotov cocktail that exploded directly in the air, like a fire dragon, pouring water. on the head of the infected person.

In an instant, a sea of fire appeared in the infected group behind them, lighting up the surroundings like daylight. Burning black smoke rose into the sky. The flesh on their bodies was slowly burned by the fire, and the infected people who had not been affected were also ignited. A disgusting smell of barbecue gradually emerged in the air.

The reason why the Molotov cocktail is not thrown in front is that there is still gasoline in the bus tank. If it is accidentally detonated, the entire defense line will collapse instantly. The second reason is that if the corpses are piled up too much under the bus, the infected person will be afraid. Following the corpse, he climbed directly onto the top of the bus. At that point, he was digging a grave for himself.

Instead, it is better to throw it towards the group of infected people in the distance. In addition to blocking the infected people from continuing to move forward, it can also eliminate the infected people to a greater extent. Even if it sets the surrounding houses on fire, it doesn't matter. 

Although the Molotov cocktails ignited all the infected people in a large area, they were unable to kill the infected people immediately. They still squeezed forward with all their strength, even though the soldiers behind the car were sweating profusely and their faces turned red. Even with all his strength, he could not stop the bus from retreating, and the gap was widening step by step.

Colbert's eyes were red, staring at the gradually widening gap in the middle of the bus. Even the gun in his hand made a rattling noise. He thought desperately in his heart—it's over!

Just when everyone was filled with despair, dense and rapid footsteps could be heard on the street behind them, and several figures jumped out from the other end of the street to help the soldiers fight together. 

With the addition of new power and the blocking of the incendiary bottles, the passenger car's retreat momentum immediately stopped, and with everyone working together, they even pushed forward.

Looking at the sudden appearance of reinforcements in shock, Colbert saw that those figures were civilians who should have been hiding in the houses in the center of the town.

But then he saw Harry's figure in the crowd and instantly understood what was going on. He was so weak that he almost sat down on the ground, and a smile uglier than crying appeared on his mouth.


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