Chapter 65

Without saying much more, after everyone calmed down, they walked towards the dozens of buses. However, they were already empty, with nothing useful left inside. It seemed like they had been thoroughly looted by those people.

Since there was nothing to be found, they didn't stay there for long. They all headed towards the highway.

But just on this short ramp, they found several snowdrifts again. With a casual sweep of their feet, they unearthed a body from one of them, also shot in the back with nothing left on them, just like the others.

If it were just this, they might not have found it strange. However, as they continued down the road, they were completely shocked by what they saw.

At the highway exit, there were several snowdrifts piled up like small mountains. Some bodies were so fresh that the snow covering them wasn't thick, and when Brian looked at the road, he saw clear tire tracks, extending towards the east, as if they had just left not long ago.

Wilfred rushed over first and dug into the snowdrifts. Inside, they found only human corpses, all shot with bullets.

Even the dumbest person could understand what was happening when they saw this scene and the tire tracks. A group of people had stationed themselves at this ramp, waiting to ambush anyone trying to get on the highway, killing all passing survivors. They had vehicles from the convoy, possibly obtained during their escape or stolen from survivors. They must have been here not long ago, but were probably attracted by the signal flare from a distance and left in their vehicles.

Someone was hunting survivors! And they had just been here!

Instantly, cold sweat broke out on everyone's foreheads, and they were all stunned on the spot.

If the signal flare hadn't been launched, if the bank hadn't been a bit far from here, they might have unintentionally entered the ramp, and all of them might have become the cold corpses lying on the ground.

"This is really troublesome!"

Biting his finger, Brian squatted down to inspect the tire tracks extending from the ramp. He felt puzzled.

He had thought it was just a random robbery and murder incident, but it had turned into this. Who was the insane person leading these actions?

The scenes from last night of several military trucks leaving, the noisy scene, almost all the fleeing people had seen it clearly. The signal flare was basically known to be from the convoy. But even so, they still dared to come here. The number of people should not be few.

But even if the number doubled, Brian didn't believe that a few civilians with guns would dare to confront a fully armed, well-trained soldier.

At that moment, he recalled the intersection of the ramp, the bodies lying on the ground, and the gunshot wounds on their backs.

It's them...

As if realizing something bad, Brian suddenly looked up and shouted to the others, "We need to catch up quickly! These guys may be planning to disguise themselves as a gathering point and then ambush the military there!"


When the others heard this, they were momentarily at a loss, but then it seemed like they understood something, and their faces turned grim.

"How dare they!"

Tracy, being a soldier in the convoy, couldn't accept that someone would dare to attack the military and disrupt their journey to the quarantine zone.

"Regardless, we need to inform the military about this as soon as possible!"

Realizing the seriousness of the situation, they didn't stay there any longer but quickened their pace along the tire tracks.

Unlike other areas where the snow was soft and difficult to walk on, the snow here had been compacted by the weight of the vehicles, making it easy for them to move forward. They followed the tracks, jogging along.

However, as they moved, they gradually slowed down. Everyone realized that with just their legs, they couldn't catch up with the vehicles.

"Huff... Huff... Oh right, we can use the walkie-talkie!"

Breathing heavily, Brian remembered something and shouted to Tracy, who was in the lead, "Didn't they say the military would broadcast on the public frequency? We should be able to hear it now, right?"

Tracy quickly took out the walkie-talkie and started adjusting the frequency.

This time, there was no useless noise coming from the walkie-talkie. With each turn of the knob, a clear male voice came out:

"I'm Harry, the commander of the convoy heading to the Atlanta quarantine zone. Currently, we are regrouping at Sweetwater Creek State Park east of Douglasville. If you hear this message and still want to continue to Atlanta, please come over. We will stay here for two days."

"Sweetwater Creek State Park? Where is that? Does anyone know?" Sylvia, among the crowd, was confused by the unfamiliar name and asked those around her.

"Don't think too much. We just need to follow the direction of the signal flare!" Brian frowned slightly when he heard Sylvia's inexplicable question and interrupted her, then said to Tracy, "Since the public frequency works, can we contact them directly?"

"I'll try!"

Tracy nodded and adjusted the walkie-talkie to the familiar frequency, holding it to her mouth and calling out, "Hello, can anyone hear me?"

"Beep... Beep..."

After a few tries, listening to the noise from the walkie-talkie, Tracy's face was filled with frustration. She turned her head to the people around her, shaking it helplessly.

Seeing her reaction, everyone's expressions were a bit dejected, but there was nothing they could do. Since they couldn't contact the military via the walkie-talkie, they could only quicken their pace.

Realizing that they were getting tired after jogging along the tire tracks for nearly an hour, they slowed down. With their legs sore and breaths heavy, they finally saw a sign for Sweetwater Creek State Park and the exit ramp ahead.

Sharp-eyed Sylvia spotted the sign from afar and excitedly pointed forward, "There..."

But before she could finish her sentence, Wilfred covered her open mouth and whispered to the others around him, "There are people ahead, don't make a sound!"

Hearing this, everyone immediately lowered their bodies, crouching down. Following Wilfred's lead, they slowly moved towards the direction of the trees by the roadside, keeping their eyes forward, trying to find the so-called people.

As they got closer, they indeed found several military trucks parked at the ramp, with seven or eight soldiers patrolling around them, all armed with guns and wearing combat uniforms.

When they got close enough, everyone stopped, not going any further. After all, this wasn't a dense forest but an open snowy area. Getting closer would make them very conspicuous and easily spotted by the people over there.

Sarah cautiously moved next to Brian step by step, looking at the people near the trucks, uncertainly asking, "Are they the bad guys?"

"I'm not sure. We can't determine it yet."

Carefully observing the soldiers, Brian was also having trouble making a judgment. He then looked at Tracy since she was the only soldier present.

"They're not our people!"

Staring ahead, Tracy's grip on her gun tightened, her eyes like flames, unable to contain her desire to deal with these people.

"Calm down! Don't act impulsively!"

Today, Wilfred had witnessed what a bad temper was like. They

 didn't even understand the situation yet, but the other side was already trying to attack.

"What we need to do now is to inform the military inside. Let's not deal with these people here; that would just alert them!"


Realizing that it wasn't the time to be impulsive, Tracy took a deep breath and suppressed her anger. Nodding, she whispered, "Okay, I'll listen to you. What's the plan now?"

After thinking in silence for a while, Wilfred pointed to the depths of the forest and said, "There's still a short distance to the park from here. If we go together, it will take a lot of time. It's better for you to go alone. That way, not only will you be faster, but you're also a military person and can contact the commander directly."

Hearing the other's words, Tracy hesitated. She looked at the women and children around her, feeling worried, and asked, "What about you guys?"

"Don't worry, we'll find a place to hide temporarily. After you contact the commander and deal with these people, just come back here to find us."


After pondering for a moment, Tracy understood that it wasn't the time to waste. She gave the people around her a deep look and said, "I'll come back for you as soon as possible!"

Then, under everyone's gaze, she lowered her body, moved quickly towards the depths of the forest alone, and disappeared from everyone's sight after a leap.

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