Chapter 79: The Bombed Area


Her hair was suddenly pulled, and before the white female could react, her head was suddenly pulled to the side by a huge force, and her body fell onto the iron plate. Then she felt something... There was a sharp pain on his scalp, and he screamed uncontrollably.

"Help me! Help me! I don't want to die!"

The middle-aged woman was hanging in the air, clutching the white female youth's hair tightly in her hands. Her face was full of fear, and she was shouting for help from the people above her!

How can Keren's hair withstand the strength of an adult? The force of the woman's sudden fall just now caused a large piece of her scalp to fall off, and immediately the wound was dripping with blood. , making people look like they are about to vomit.

And as the Chinese woman continued to struggle, the wound on her scalp became larger and larger, and the female youth's screams became more and more shrill, and her body was gradually dragged down.

The pain on her head made the white female Qingji almost faint, but she didn't want to die like this, especially if she was dragged down by others. With a ferocious face, she shouted at the Chinese woman who was pulling her hair:

"Ah——! Damn old woman, let me go!!!"

"Bang! Bang! Bang!"

After saying that, she didn't even think that the other party could answer, so she took out her pistol and shot wildly at the middle woman.

Although the white female youth just fired randomly, she couldn't handle the size of the target, and a bullet hit the opponent's shoulder immediately.

The middle-aged woman screamed, painfully letting go of the hand holding her hair, and her whole body fell down.

And because of the sudden force of letting go, half of the girl's body was already hanging out. She also had a pistol in one hand. She didn't grab something in time to stabilize herself, and she was also injured. fell down.

The most terrible thing was that when she tilted and fell, she hurriedly hooked the foot of a man behind her, destroying the man's figure that was almost stable, and he also fell down with him.


"Boom! Boom! Boom!"

The three people who fell screamed in fear and unwillingness, echoing throughout the street. Then there were three sounds of objects falling from the sky, and the infected people below suddenly became commotion again.

What happened just now seemed complicated, but within a minute of it happening, four of the seven people fell down. Everyone was stunned and stood there, their throats rolled, and they swallowed hard. He took a sip of saliva.

When the strange wind stopped and the wind gradually calmed down, the bodies of the three people still above were trembling constantly, and they could no longer stand up.

Seeing the helpless expressions on their faces, a few brave soldiers rushed forward to help them up and took them to the conference room. They were not afraid that they would lie down there. Don't even dare to move.

After this accident happened, the handful of survivors who had not yet walked through the tunnel immediately became extremely vigilant after seeing the tragic scene just now. No one dared to do it again. Take it lightly.

"I'll go! What the hell is this!"

When the last survivor arrived at the office building, the crowd didn't know who it was, and suddenly they exclaimed, "Look there!"

After hearing this, everyone looked in the direction of the sound, only to see a thin green face pressed against the glass of the outer wall, staring outside without blinking, and uttering exclamations mixed with confusion and fear. .

Just now, everyone's attention was focused on the above, and not many people paid attention to other places at all. At this time, they followed the thin man's gaze and looked outside, and everyone was shocked on the spot.

If they had just passed through an uninhabited city, then what they saw in front of them was a battlefield destroyed by artillery shells. Countless houses and residences were bombed to pieces, and the originally flat streets were bombed into pieces. The cracks formed small peaks and depressions of different heights. All the pipes buried underground were destroyed, and the water gushed out like a waterfall, turning the man-made depressions near it into a It is a small water moor, but it has been frozen into ice by the extremely low temperature.

The entire ruins stretch for six or seven kilometers, and countless infected people are wandering in the ruins. However, there are only a few special places where large groups of infected people gather. The infected people in other places are just scattered, and they go into the ruins. There is an isolation fence built in a circle. Outside the isolation fence, there are piles of corpses of infected people, while inside the isolation area, there are soldiers standing vigilant about the surrounding situation.

In the safety zone behind the soldiers, most of the ruins have been cleared (both sides have been cleared, and the pits have not been filled, leaving a flat road for those inside the safety zone. There are a number of military trucks parked on the road, and even Sharp-eyed survivors also saw the figures of tanks, indicating that these people should be here to pick up the survivors who were about to enter the quarantine area.

Finally, in the center of the entire ruins, there is a tall and towering wall of the isolation zone that was built within less than a month. This is where the survivors will reach the end of their journey.

"Okay! We'd better not continue to waste time here. The sooner we arrive at the safe zone, the safer we will be." Seeing everyone staring outside, Tracy glanced impatiently. Time, tell the crowd.

Only then did everyone come back to their senses. Under the guidance of the soldiers, they left the conference room and headed for the stairs.

It may be that most of the infected people fell from the sidewalk outside the building, so the team moved forward smoothly without any trouble.

When people arrived at the lobby on the first floor, a dozen soldiers began to install suppressors, commonly known as silencers, on their rifles and pistols.

The silencer is not a real silencer, it just compresses the noise emitted by the firearm to a minimum. Although it will more or less affect the accuracy and power of the firearm, the team will then travel through several kilometers of ruins. It is inevitable They know how to use firearms, and this firearm accessory has become an artifact for dealing with scattered infected people, and it is also the key to whether they can safely pass through the ruins.

However, due to the incident in the hospital before, most of the equipment was left there, so only half of the soldiers in the entire team could equip it.

"Chirp! Chirp!"

The bullet slid through the barrel of the gun, passed through the suppressor, made a slight crisp sound, and penetrated the head of the infected person wandering on the street in front of the office building.

Tracy led the team on the uneven and snow-covered ruins. They used firearms to deal with the scattered infected people. They chose to take detours when they encountered rugged roads that they could not move forward on. There was no way around them. , just take a ladder and let people climb up one by one.

At the beginning, everyone was still in high spirits, but as the march took longer and longer, the distance became more and more difficult to walk. Even in the cold weather, everyone was sweating, panting, and some were out of breath. There were even grunts of hunger coming from the person's belly, and he looked extremely embarrassed.

"Mom, I'm hungry!"

As the team advanced, a six-year-old boy covered his belly, raised his head and looked at his mother beside him, pulled her sleeves, and said pitifully.

The boy's mother lowered her head and looked at her son's thin face. She couldn't help but touch her body, hoping to find something to eat. But no matter how she groped up and down, her pockets were already empty. , and can't produce any food.

Helpless, she could only look at the crowd around her and said in an almost pleading tone: "Do any of you have anything to eat? My child is so hungry that I can't bear it anymore. Please, can any kind person give me some?" Something to eat?"

She and her son had not had enough to eat for almost a day. Since the hospital was swept away, the backpack she was carrying was lost while escaping. She finally reached the army camp and only gave her a piece of bread last night. The mother and son ate together. After walking such a long distance today, the food in their stomachs had been completely consumed. She was an adult and she could bear it, but his son couldn't bear it anymore.

When the crowd around heard the woman's voice, most of them just glanced at them indifferently, and then walked forward without saying a word, without any intention of helping.

Only a few people stopped and looked at the mother and son with sympathy. Some kind-hearted people even thought of giving them some food, but before they could make any move, they were stopped by their accompanying companions.

Tracy herself had seen the situation here, but the food in the army had already been distributed last night, and now they had nothing to eat. They couldn't force these survivors. Guys, take it out of their backpacks.

She could only sigh helplessly, walked forward, knelt down and softly comforted the child, telling him to hold on, there would be delicious food waiting for them when the place was ready.

Under Tracy's soft words, the child was quickly comforted, nodded vigorously, and continued to move forward step by step with his mother!


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