
To destroy a habitat it is not enough to eliminate its sustenance, 

in addition to deforming its environment it destroys its food chain,

whatever survives will no longer be the habitat nor its inhabitants the same.


When did human history begin? Beyond the records set down in animal bones, social history begins at the moment when we changed from one type of society to another. We went from purely survival means to the pursuit of growth, from there to a certain level of protection by advancing on other tribes (crushing them).


Over time, population growth caused the geographic distance between groups to diminish. The need to be more and to be above others began to fill the hearts of the rulers, who whipped up the needs, fears and superstitions of their people... Sometimes simply ambition, which apparently has been present in humanity from the beginning.



In recent times there was a gentleman who said: "in an economic system is contained the seed of its own destruction". He was referring to a hunger for equality, he sought to liberate society. The groups in power employed measures to eternalize their status, this gave birth, among many things, to violent alliances of temporal power with spiritual power, in short, the last stable society (capitalist) employed methods of distraction to keep the population calm.


Already in the past, the distraction of bread and circuses was used together with the theological fear of a god or gods who see everything and punish everything... and the progressive ignorance of a people who knew less and less of what we should know. In the decades leading up to the collapse, there was an increasing resort to an abuse of the last category of appeasement, mass media sent out vapid ideas that subjected their audiences to a renewed but never altered fantasy.


Religions came and went. There were no more gods in the minds of the population, only the nebulous belief in a "something" that changed its name every few years.


No one noticed this subtle change. It was to be expected, society had been lulled to sleep by decades of incredible adventures against common (and immediate) enemies that fostered an almost morbid interest; however, no one paid attention to the rulers, none had charisma, all lived at the pinnacle of political and economic power. Bored in all social classes, they knew that the leaders stole, they often lived in their own flesh their excesses, but it did not matter what they did. The election was not of the citizenry, nor did the vote mark a change How, if all parties were made up of members of the same families/companies?



After each industrial revolution, companies gained more political power and their profits worked by doing more with less... until there came a point where a company, if it wanted to, could throw a city into chaos by pulling out its factories or subsidiaries. Generations of politicians addicted to power could not allow too much nonconformity in the people and gave in to all business demands; all branches of capitalism saw this as an opportunity and with money, in a short time, were favored by candidates and leaders who supported their interests while resources were quickly lost.