No matter who is in power... they all steal. 

Popular wisdom

The war against Trinidad and Tobago was simple and without many deaths, all because of the method developed half a century ago, tactics that allowed countries to keep much of their infrastructure intact. Although corporations dominated and called the shots; government resources and raw materials sometimes came from outside, so instead of invading and eliminating the population in a meaningless patriotic war, the apathetic conditioning of the people was used to avoid protesting if their immediate interests were not affected. The procedure was simple:


1. Infiltrate assassins in the high governmental commands.


2. Eliminate such commanders.


3. To institute people who serve the invading country.


4. To reach agreements with the companies installed in the country.


To change the commercial agreements with the invading country by granting preferential prices and payment facilities.


All nations were aware of this method of work, even the businessmen who got into governmental commands knew that it was a career with many risks, but there are always risks with great profits, so there were never reprisals for the loss of a president or similar.


The interesting thing was that the population was so used to tax changes or the loss of green areas, that they didn't seem to care much. And truth be told, an invasion was necessary, as resources in Mexico were almost scarce after decades of exploitation, so with the backing of the companies they invaded. The security was not worth it and the deaths were quick and efficient; they were so excited with the arrival of new raw material and the profits they would obtain, that they did not contemplate a small detail, Trinidad and Tobago had become one of the tourist and erotic sites par excellence managed by the underworld, so when the deforestation processes began, they attacked the only companies that did not respect the rules and the first to find out were the middle management, who one day woke up without a boss and without a replacement.