A society needs three elements: education proper to the social group, clothing in accordance with the group for identification, and food for survival.

continue to exist as intended.


Last transmission of radio anarquía, local station south of the capital. "Well yes, as you hear it, we are on the last program government subsidized, so there is no more reason to hide it: all the channels against the high command were sponsored by the authorities. They prevented an uprising by forcing people into controlled escapes into constant but bearable unrest. The following transmission is a warning about what is happening, today we will be silenced by the new rulers, that is why we have barricaded the radio station, since we came to work we keep classified information, after this transmission such data will remain on our network site. May you have a long life... because it will not be a happy one.


"The creation of needs is perhaps the greatest weapon of modern commerce, if it weren't, how could people possibly buy things that the government provided? Pleasures were renewed every few months and fashions encompassed almost every psychological behavior but what happened when people stopped buying? When the layoffs made people moderate their savings and consume only what the government provided the answer was simple: to instill fear of losing that remaining security; the metal processing and ornaments plants started the production of 'la virgen' traps (a metal cross that upon contact with DNA from outside the family was closed by impaling it as in a prayer) and sold thousands of units, not even when the deaths of neighbors or people passing by were higher than those of thieves who knew how to avoid these traps or were from the same family.


"Weapons that were practically sporting, became deadly, in many ways, because a state-of-the-art gun had to guarantee the death of your attacker and your shield the protection of your family; bigger guns and power armor were developed and sold; sensors and bunkers flooded the houses, people went into debt seeking to protect what was important to them, it was more the need not to have their car stolen than to buy a new model.... and they still bought it because it was assault-proof, bullet-proof, of very colorful and economical ecological designs; they became weapons of war circulating in the streets, people did not envy their neighbor's things, what for? if they could steal them."


"Perhaps nothing helped the economy like these new inventions; raw materials were expendable, everyone ate government rations, those fortunate enough to work in industrial or entertainment branches kept their jobs; everyone consumed large amounts of protective measures, those who lost their jobs used their settlements to buy tools to survive an attack or to produce one, curiously no one thought of producing their wealth, the people thought of their basic income (house, food and clothing) as something the government HAD to provide, the bad thing was that the government slowly and progressively stopped receiving supplies from the corporation it dominated, but nothing could be done, even the bosses were restless and their hands were tied as they belonged to dead families and the companies run by power hungry mercenaries were slowly bankrupting them. They were asking for more and more concessions on areas of natural resources that they had and maintained a little ecological balance in the states."


"Now we are rushing into an ecological crisis, in times past if something terrible happened it was always possible to resort to international help, even in the macro corporations there was always somewhere to turn, some branch of government, to other branches of the company in search of spare parts or financing... everything was useless; they were so focused on selling whatever they could; on bringing in immediate profits that they did not see the need for a strategic approach.


We can't pinpoint when they began to realize the debacle, but we can tell you what was the trigger that set it off..... time; all the parts were manufactured with an average life about four months, thus guaranteeing the reuse of the parts (melting them in their original material and reshaping them) and thus maintaining the recycling industry (owned by each company); however, the arms boom reconfigured these treatment plants into arms foundries, and when they saw that they had nothing to replace the parts with, they were converted into ammunition or traps, but that did not worry them. Being corporate mercenaries, they had a more intense game in mind... and a totally wrong decision.


"Upon gathering all the funds, the modern CEOs considered it was time to sell their industries to other multinationals, this way they would keep the money and others would take care of the shortages, the plan was not without reason, at a minimum they would sell shares in parts or the whole company for a profit that would allow all the directors to live well, only there was no money.... when they started to see they had multiple debts receivable and very little cash, all the customers spent the cash at the beginning, that wrote off the costs of the factory conversions, now they only had debts from the workers, bad debts, as most of the former employees had nowhere to earn that money, if their assets were confiscated, they would miss out on the income from the tax rebate for providing housing.


A week ago an important meeting was held to unify the main corporations, they all agreed to support each other in these times, even temporarily, seven of them shared parts to maintain their mechanisms, which due to much corporate espionage did not have common structures because they grew with different bases, nothing had a standard and the parts were spoiled."


"That's why we make an invitation to all who listen to us: this colony is self-sufficient and workers and unemployed will be welcome, this is your chance to make a difference, here is the whole population that governs the radio station. We are different from the greedy ones outside, we take care of our own and we can take care of you. This recording will be played as long as the power station works. To all of you we wish good luck.


As the shouts of support echo through the streets of the colonia (everyone heard the speech) their authors look each other in the eye, the question is the same: "when the time comes will we have the courage to tell them that no one outside this colonia can receive the was all theater. We are alone."