Official report, Integral Genomics year 2100, March 17.



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Gene Technologies, Atlantic Biosystems and Integral Genomics are the companies that have monopolized the global CEO genetics market.


Gene Technologies, after much wrangling with the academic community succeeded in patenting a method of 100% effective transformation in all types of human tissues. The method, originally developed in government basic research laboratories established after the collapse of the big universities was sold anonymously to the CEO of Gene Technologies for an amount of around $100 million, according to various sources. Now valued at $50 billion, Gene Technologies has become the leading commercial supplier of genetically altered tissues, whose main cash inflow is global hospitals. That allowed it to enter the big game, unseating ABio and Ronald Perkin, its biggest cell transformation competitors in the past.


Atlantic Biosystems came to unseat former sequencing giant Pacific Bio by having its sequencing methods produce 1 gigabyte of information every ten minutes, 100 times more than its former competitor. Now, as the main head of the Gaia project, Atlantic aims to sequence all living organisms in the world, even non-culturable ones. Atlantic receives exorbitant amounts of money from the government and CEOs who want to patent alternative metabolic pathways in mammals to compete against Integral Genomics.


For its part, Integral Genomics is the big player in the game, the largest biotech developer on the globe. Its main cash inflows are patents on all metabolic pathways of human cells, in all tissues, and with all variants found so far, plus gene renewal surgeries and immortalization of cellular tissues. His initial project, Minimal Cell Project, gained him the necessary knowledge to be able to manage the human cell cycle at will. This knowledge is summarized in the cure of cancer of all types that affected the world population, with which Integral Genomics positioned itself first hand and in a short time as a leader in basic and applied research in human biology of the current century.


As great historians have defined it, Integral Genomics saved the human population from its genetic defects caused by random mutation events and self-sustained inbreeding. However, as many reactionaries to genetic change have suggested, Integral Genomics maintains contracts for biological weapons applications with the CEOs who control 90% of the world's capital and is the main supplier of biological immortalization methods for these CEOs and their families. Integral Genomics, through various press releases, has denied such allegations. 


Financially, Integral Genomics has expanded more than 500% in the last 20 years and has gradually consumed its competitors, buying up and monopolizing the biotech market. The total cost of the company is so far unknown. On a societal level, contrary to what would have been thought a decade ago, citizens trust Integral Genomics as their preferred provider of medical services and cellular regeneration. Social networks have even emerged in different economic zones that support a totalitarian government based on the Integral Genomics economic system, where family ranks do not exist. Integral Genomics is based on the ancient method of selection by intelligence, where the most capable individual with or without genetic remodeling wins the best positions.


These trends have earned Integral Genomics' CEO a lot of trouble, and he has stated that he has no connections with any rebel groups against current companies or family business methods: "Integral Genomics has no need or interest in breaking established relationships with current medical services or family business partnerships. Our mission is to serve humanity through genetic cures to their medical and dietary problems. Evolution first."


Among global CEOs, Integral Genomics' CEO seems to be the most elusive figure to date. Due to the exaggerated security measures around him (put in motion after two attacks on the company) and the large number of genetic and physical reshaping surgeries he is speculated to have had, both his age and gender are unknown. His name has also been coded to S. V. and his genomic sequence has been erased from the world's data banks.


In short, we know nothing about one of the world's most powerful CEOs. Whether people care or not is another story. I only wrote this report as part of the Interconexión newspaper's synthetic historical accounting project for the Spanish-speaking population. I am just the secretary here.


Added February 3, 2159.


Gene Technologies, having exhausted its basic research capital to compete against Integral Genomics' new cell transformation method, has been purchased for $3 million by Integral Genomics. Integral Genomics' CEO, S. V., announced that the $3 million payment only covered the patent for the previous transformation method. The company's facilities were given as payment on the $30 billion that the Gene Technologies family owed Integral Genomics for costs of genetic remodeling and generation of higher quality cloned copies.


Added August 4, 2159.


Atlantic Biosystems' technology has become obsolete as Integral Genomics' new Tot Gen sequencing method has been released to the biotech market. The company has announced its disinterest in buying Atlantic Biosystems, which will ruin more than 500,000 families of biological research workers.


Added on November 5, 2159.


Integral Genomics has announced a commercial tie-up in applied technology research with cybernetics giant Chip Corp. The project seeks to generate mechanical and biological interfaces for the creation of literally immortal bodies. Integral Genomics CEO, S. V., has announced that this is a big step towards the beginning of the future where biological information is combined with manipulable electronic information in the same body.


The future has caught up with us.


Added December 24, 2159.


The largest information technology company, Chip Corp, has been incorporated in its entirety into the biotech arm of Integral Genomics to form the largest capitalist business venture in the last 200 years. Integral Genomics has declared that it will start with this great biotech project devised so far.


No further information was given in this regard.


Added May 23, 2163.


Integral Genomics has announced the launch of the first biological-mechanical interface exosuit for patients who have suffered from cerebral palsy. Initial experiments with comatose patients for ten years have proven that the exosuit is able to regenerate the motor capabilities of the patients' neural connections. The medical community has declared that this is the future of a better life for human beings.


Added on January 01, 2166.


S. V., the CEO of Integral Genomics, has stated that exosuit kits and humanoid interfaces will be available to the world's population from the following February 2. The exosuits come to complement the bioproduction of damaged tissues when the patient has been involved in accidents where 90% of the body has been lost. They are also a method of body enhancement for humans working in extreme situations or those who simply want to extend their lifespan without the need for biological materials; it is a cheap and safe alternative tissue replacement against the newly discovered aquiferous toxin.


Added September 14, 2169.

Reactionary groups against the mega giant Integral Genomics have begun to hold protest marches in different capitals of the world. The groups claim that the spread of the aquatic toxin has been caused by Integral Genomics itself in its ambition to control the entire global capital market. The CEO of Integral Genomics, S. V., denied in a statement that the company has manufactured such a toxin. He also stated that they are investigating the origin of the toxin and that they will unmask the culprits of such a crime.


For their part, former employees of companies such as Gene Technologies, Atlantic Biosystems, ABio, among others, have formed coalitions and founded a new company, Natura, in an ambition to return to what is naturally produced on earth and begin to detoxify society from the harmful capitalism represented by Integral Genomics.


Widespread discontent has spread among the civilian population against Integral Genomics, which is estimated to have lost around 20% of its annual profits in just three months.


Added on April 28, 2170.


The CEO of Integral Genomics, S. V., has disappeared from the Integral Genomics headquarters in Seattle, Washington, USA. The company's Vice President, Dr. Russel Wall, has stated that S. V. has been kidnapped by leaders of the Natura company. Natura's CEO, Michael Stomp, declares otherwise.


Investigations by the United Nations are trying to find out the origin of the aquatic toxin that has claimed the lives of more than 40% of the world's population. It will take another year of investigation to charge the culprits of such a global disgrace.


Added January 3, 2173.


Integral Genomics has declared a state of emergency in response to the mortality levels reached by the aquatic toxin worldwide. Its facilities will become shelters for its employees and their families and will be closed to the general public. Dr. Russel Wall, now the new CEO of Integral Genomics; announced that his team will continue research into the toxin and a possible cure. In the meantime, they will remain in a state of quarantine for the protection of their research.


Natura has now become the giant in the production of vaccines against the aquatic toxin. However, in my humble opinion, there are many things to be clarified in its sale, which is indicated to have begun in the countries most affected by the infection; however, Mexico, being one of the most affected (with a loss of more than 85% of its population) has not received any doses, many dissidents point out that the vaccines are a lie and that the population will be sacrificed. National leaders (political and industrial) denied the accusations, but this reporter has tried to contact other media to exchange impressions, the few responses received come from the American continent and are only automatic mailings from the state or ISPs (Internet Service Providers) indicating to desist from this attempt.


Added (Add date) December 2173.


Faced with the various rumors of the ineffectiveness of the vaccine, the decreasing population has seen its hopes dashed, many of the largest population centers, among them the Federal District, have been abandoned. The liquid substitute that the population drinks has changed distributor in a surprise decision that has the markets in shock; the purchasing company is the Italian company Micerela, which is known to have a lot of suspected business dealings with the Mexican Mafia. A spokesman for the company is holding talks with the Mexican government to establish the conditions under which this substitute will be supplied. In a worldwide communiqué, the United Nations has denied that the company is abusing its monopoly; this reporter disagrees considering the world panorama. This company is more than prepared to resist attacks coming from any nation or even from the remaining industries, we can only hope that our government does not lose everything in an attempt to safeguard its citizens.