When you wake up maybe the worst is over and all that's left is a limp soup in a hospital bed... 

or only ten seconds have passed and the guy with the axe is still after you.

is still chasing you.

Sam Vimes


Zone 0, genetics lab.


The monotone voice repeats:


"Report of operation by surgery robot 2, medical lab... patient: sixteen years old, aboriginal classified under the name 'Paulina', lacerating and contaminated wounds to abdomen with injuries to viscera and ankle, severed Achilles heel and moderate bone damage.


During the process there was a loss of one and a half meters of intestine, skin lacerations of intestine, severe skin lacerations, low resistance to anesthetics, body tissue deficient in fat tissue, blood loss close to two liters, unable to transfuse, blood type not recognized, placenta reproduction culture, artificial placenta accepted by the patient, six units transfused.


Torso wound cauterized, denied cultured skin graft instead added (as requested in order 243-xd), high-strength double-layered metallic tissue implant, surveillance for possible sepsis. Amputated foot, was not necessary, in my estimation, but following your order (244-xd) supplanted with combat prosthesis.


Removal of the right eyeball, small visual impairment, it was not recommended, following the instruction contained in the order (243-xd) installation of robotic eye with satellite communication functions, restoration of optic nerves and connection with the eardrum."


The operation is considered a success, estimated waiting time for her recovery: three weeks, per her instructions she will be anesthetized while recovering; feeding via gastroclysis and intravenous, she is confined to the main alcove... 

End of report."


Save Delete


Instruction to surgery robot... erase all records of operation, remove hair, nails and sanitize body, total cleanliness to corridors and medical lab.


Instruction to security systems, humanoid known as Paulina has free access to sections A-F, except my quarters and the culture chamber, any movement of the subject report personally.


I don't need anyone to know the plans I have for Paulina. It is still too early, she is the key to accomplishing my goal...her participation, I fear; she is not subject to your will.