Zerus found himself in an unfathomable void, a place devoid of substance or form. Stripped of all possessions, save for a single precious memento: a necklace gifted to him by his mother during his adolescence. This necklace held seven vividly colored gemstones, each imbued with a unique significance and power—red, brown, blue, white, grey, yellow, and golden.

Endowed with god-blood, Zerus possessed the extraordinary capability to reshape his surroundings. With a mere thought, he began the astonishing transformation of this barren void into a world that could sustain life. He meticulously crafted seven distinct phases, each contributing to the birth of a new planet. These phases became the building blocks of this burgeoning realm:

The Fire Phase: Zerus summoned the spirit of Aidelles, a double-headed flamy Dragon, to reign over this fiery domain.

The Land Phase: The brown gemstone he named Terravolt, its power embodied in a colossal Lion, its mane aflame with unquenchable fervor.

The Marine Phase: The blue gemstone held sway over the realm of the oceans, where a venomous Shark, adorned with thorns, guarded the aquatic depths, which he named Xeizra

The Air Phase: Zerus harnessed the essence of the white gemstone, manifesting the majestic single-horn Eagle, ruler of the skies with the name Pyronix .

The Day and Night Phase: The grey gemstone found purpose in Vemarte, the Wolf, the guardian of transitions between light and darkness.

The Lightning Phase: Yellow with power, the gemstone revealed the spirit of a swift and fearsome Cheetah, master of lightning. Which he named Ethertide 

The Mortal-Spirit Phase: Last but not least, the golden gemstone he named Zei, a spirit of profound mortal-spirit connection.

With these elemental phases set in motion, Zerus breathed life into this newfound world, granting it a name: Vegras. But he didn't stop there. He transformed the necklace's seven gemstones into living entities known as Mythe Spirits. These ethereal beings were the vessels of his godly powers, and they had now awakened to consciousness.

As time unfolded, these Mythe Spirits began their remarkable journey, slowly transitioning from their ethereal forms into corporeal beings after which they turned into humans . This extraordinary transformation marked the beginning of a new era on Vegras—a world born of Zerus's determination and the power of his godly lineage.