Chapter 046 Fourteen Years Ago 4_1

Lu Qingqing didn't hesitate to say, "Who else could such a handsome beauty be but me!"

"Shameless!" Lu Yang muttered.

Lu Qingqing glared at him, "Have you ever seen a girl prettier than me?"

"No, no, you're the prettiest, the number one beauty in the world." Lu Yang dared not offend his sister, and he lifted a stack of plates, "I'll take the empty plates to the kitchen first, you take your time cleaning up the rest."

A smile flickered in Fu Yisheng's eyes.

He had never imagined that the person who saved him from the kidnappers fourteen years ago would turn out to be Lu Qingqing and her godfather.

He had said that Pengcheng represented a rather negative experience for him, in fact, it wouldn't be an overstatement to call it a nightmare.

The nightmare began with a kidnapping.