Chapter 144 Confrontation 2_1

Watching her greet the guests with such confident ease, without a hint of discomfort or timidity, Chen Yuxuan and Song Xiaorou were dumbfounded, hardly able to believe their eyes.

Was this really Lu Qingqing they knew? The very Lu Qingqing who always dressed so plainly and was incredibly frugal?

"How does she know Shui Ying?" Song Xiaorou furrowed her brow, asking Chen Yuxuan in a low voice.

Shui Ying was a lady from Hong Kong whose family wealth reached hundreds of billions, arguably the most affluent guest here today. Having the background of a former Miss Hong Kong, she was quite famous in social circles. Had Song Xiaorou not been her classmate for two years, and had Yuanfeng Group and the Zhou Family not had extensive business dealings, Song Xiaorou might not have been able to invite her to support the event.

However, Song Xiaorou certainly did not want Shui Ying to be so polite to Lu Qingqing.

Chen Yuxuan was completely puzzled, "I have no idea!"