Chapter 12 Mom Lost Her Job_1

Xia Ningxing and her five brothers returned home only to see their mother, always proud and strong, never one to cry even if she bled, sitting on the doorstep, her tears flowing uncontrollably like pearls from a broken string.

Ningxing was shocked and rushed over, "Mom! What happened!"

"Mom! What's wrong with you?" Her five brothers followed suit, pouncing on her.

Although their mother was not particularly fond of them on normal days, she was still the best mother in their hearts.

"Bao'er!" Seeing her obedient daughter, Mrs. Xia felt an even deeper sorrow and hugged her soft and fragrant little body, "Mommy, mommy has been laid off by the factory boss, I'm unemployed..."

Her voice choked for a long time before she could utter a complete sentence due to her overwhelming sadness.

Without a job, how would she buy candy for her Good boy?

Their dad had said he was going off to start a business, only to disappear for several years without any news, let alone sending money back home.

Now, how would her family survive!

Hearing this, Ningxing quietly breathed a sigh of relief.

She had been scared to death thinking something terrible had happened.

"It's just unemployment, it doesn't matter," she said, extending her small fair hand, stroking her mother's head like a wise old soul, comforting her.

"Bao'er, you are still young, you don't understand," her mother assumed she didn't really grasp what being unemployed meant, thinking it was just a casual reassurance.


Xia Ningxing was speechless and stifled.

She desperately wanted to tell her mother that she came from the real world of 2019, where working in a factory was the least promising thing to do, "Rise up and do business to pick up gold!"

Crying your eyes out for what!

"Oy, who's crying over here, I heard you lost your job?" At that moment, a detestable fat woman walked up to the door, Pangya's mother, who now had her hands on her hips, mockingly staring at Mrs. Xia, "Without a job, what will you do with these six children? Oh, the misery..."

Pangya's mother worked in the same textile factory as Mrs. Xia and naturally knew about Mrs. Xia being fired, a situation that she had a hand in creating.

"You wicked woman, how dare you show your face? Don't think I don't know that you whispered in the boss's ear, persuading him to lay me off!" As soon as Mrs. Xia saw her, she burst into flames. "Snap!" she sat up from the ground, glaring at Pangya's mother with such hatred she wished she could strangle her to death.

As the saying goes, cutting off someone's livelihood is like murdering their parents!

Mrs. Xia and Pangya's mother were once love rivals, both having feelings for Mr. Xia.

After Mrs. Xia married Mr. Xia, Pangya's mother harbored a grudge, getting cozy with their factory boss and trying several times to persuade him to fire Mrs. Xia and make her unemployed.

This time, she had finally succeeded!

"Tsk, you can't talk nonsense about such things without evidence!"

Pangya's mother gleefully raised her eyebrows, "You should think about how your family is going to survive!"

She couldn't wait to see this wretched family starve to death!

How dare they steal her man!

How dare their daughter cause her daughter to fall into the water!

How could she not teach them a lesson!

Mrs. Xia clenched her teeth in fury, "Even if I have to pawn everything, I'll still be able to support my family, and I don't need your concern!!"

"Heh, well, I'll just wait and see!" Pangya's mother laughed mockingly once more.

But fearing another physical altercation like last time, she quickly left while laughing.

At that moment, Ningxing quietly followed, squinting her eyes slightly and picking up a rock to hit Pangya's mother on the head.

Hmmph, dare to bully her mom, they had to pay a price!

"Ow!" Pangya's mother screamed in pain, "Who the a**hole hit me with a stone!"

Turning her head, she saw no one behind her; Pangya's mother could only curse a few words and reluctantly accept this loss.

After Ningxing came back from teaching the scum a lesson, she heard Mrs. Xia say, "I've decided, I'll go look for work in town tomorrow."

Mrs. Xia clenched her fists, psyching herself up.

It was just a matter of losing the job; she was able-bodied and could simply go out and find another one.

"Mommy, I have a way to make money, don't worry," Ningxing held her hand.

"Good, when our Bao'er grows up, you can earn money and spend on mommy," Mrs. Xia subconsciously thought her daughter was talking about supporting her in the future.


Ningxing didn't say anything more, because she knew her mother wouldn't believe an eight-year-old girl could earn money.

After dinner, Ningxing lay on her little bed, looking at the dilapidated mud ceiling of her house, she sighed and began to ponder over making money.

She had been negligent, always thinking that as long as she clung to the male protagonist's coattails, she could reach the pinnacle of life.

But now, the male protagonist was just a child and probably struggling to get enough to eat and wear himself.

So, while it was good to please the powerful, she had to rely on herself for now.

As for how to make money...