Chapter 18 The Arrogant Boss_1

"Don't worry, little sister, your brother will cover for you," Lu said reassuringly.

Bowing his head, he gently stroked her fuzzy hair with his hand.

In one evening, Xia Ningxing had thoroughly devoured the script.

For the following month, Xia Ningxing did nothing but film, film, and still more filming.

Her brother became virtually an assistant, fetching tea and water, taking care of her so well that it saved Xia Ningxing a lot of trouble.

Her acting was skilled and natural, explosive when it needed to be and gentle when required, remarkably resilient, not at all like a newcomer to the field. Nearly every scene was aced in one take, and if not, it was usually someone else's fault.

This made Director Xu exclaim, "Little friend Xia Ningxing, is this really your first time acting?"

"Yes!" Xia Ningxing blinked her moist eyes.

She wasn't lying, woof, this body was indeed acting for the first time!

"Then you're truly a born actor."