Chapter 32: Let Mom Participate in the Business_1

Xia Ningxing's small body twirled in the air, her brows and eyes curving into crescent moons just like Mrs. Xia's, as she felt the thick blood ties of kinship in this moment.

How wonderful!

Even if she were given more money now, she wouldn't want to go back to the way things were!

"Mom, stop spinning me, I'm getting dizzy," Xia Ningxing said, as she felt stars swirling around her head, watching Mrs. Xia twirl her around as if she'd taken an exciting drug.

"Okay, okay, I'll stop spinning, let go of Bao'er!"

Mrs. Xia released her with reluctance.

After coming down, Xia Ningxing noticed Mrs. Xia's hands, rough and whitened from working in the restaurant, and felt a sharp pain in her heart. She gently massaged her mother's larger hands with her small ones, and her voice, though childlike, was filled with determination, "Mom, quit your dishwashing job at the restaurant, and come do business with us tomorrow!"

"Yeah, Mom!"

"Quit it, selling perfume makes good money!"