Chapter 37 Conditions for Brothers to Attend School_1

Xia Ningxing couldn't help but frown as her mother's preference for daughters over sons was too strong, which was unacceptable, "Mom, I know you don't like the brothers and thus don't want them to go to school, but 'within books, there are houses of gold.' If the brothers could get an education with their intelligence, they'd surely find good jobs and make lots of money!"

"Then they could provide for you in old age and for me too!"

In order to get her brothers to school, Xia Ningxing tried to appeal to their emotions and reason, her rosy little mouth non-stop in movement.

Mrs. Xia's expression began to soften a bit, "That seems to make some sense."

However, she was not swayed because her sons could provide for her in her old age but because she felt she couldn't take care of Bao'er all her life, yet her brothers, who were about her age, could stay with her for life and take care of her for life.