Chapter 59: Mrs. Lu Wants Xia Ningxing as Her Daughter

The representatives of various companies fell silent at her words.

Some were shocked, some secretly despised her, others scorned...

A few companies, unwilling to give up, couldn't help but to confirm with her, "Xia, are you really not considering it any more?"

"Not considering it!" Xia Ningxing's refusal was resolute; unless she was brain-damaged, she would never sign with a company.

"Well, alright then." The representatives from the more amiable companies simply sighed and left.

The less friendly ones rolled their eyes at her, "Pah, you think you're some big star just because you got a little famous? Starting your own company and being a boss! A hillbilly from the boonies, spouting big words without fear of twisting your tongue!"

"Say that again, I dare you!"

Mrs. Xia and her five sons had already picked up their shovels and hoes, glaring at the others as though ready to take them down at any moment.