Chapter 128 Buying a House and Land_1

"It's really odious!" Mrs. Xia had heard about it when giving a statement yesterday, but she still couldn't help breaking out in a cold sweat upon hearing it again.

It was also fortunate that her Bao'er knew martial arts and had subdued them; otherwise, one could not imagine how many families would have been ruined by this pack of crazed lunatics.

In contrast, Xia Ningxing was much calmer, as she had already known through novels that such a group would exist in this world of the book.

Had it not been for her, this group would not have been caught for several more years.

"So we are really grateful to the young Xia Ningxing for eliminating the evil for the people, and this is a certificate of honor specially awarded to the young Xia Ningxing." The government official smiled and placed the certificate of honor into Xia Ningxing's hands.

"Thank you," Xia Ningxing said as she accepted it, feeling suddenly much taller in that moment.