Chapter 269 Wu Tong Arrested_1

"Wu Tong!" Seeing her, Xia Ningxing's eyes blazed with anger. Just as she was about to charge over, she found that Mrs. Xia and others were a step faster.

"Well, well! So it was you, you little troublemaker, who secretly altered my daughter's college preferences to make her study pig farming. I won't rest until I beat you to death today!" Mrs. Xia rushed forward, grabbed Wu Tong's hair, and yanked out a large chunk.

Wu Tong immediately screamed in agony, struggling to break free, but she couldn't escape from Mrs. Xia's grasp: "Let me go! Let me go!"

"You're rotten to the core!" the sister-in-law took off her shoe and started hitting her pockmarked face with it.

"How dare you bully our little sister, that's too much!" The oldest sister-in-law, a gymnast, delivered a spinning kick directly to her back.

The combat power of the three women was simply terrifying.

Just as Xia Ningxing had planned to give Wu Tong a good beating: ???

Someone, pass me a bag of sunflower seeds!