Chapter 274 Encounter Danger Together_1

"Mmm-hmm." Xia Ningxing nodded obediently and then urged him, "Go and report that you need to leave quickly."

"Alright, I'll call the team to leave together." Lu Tingli couldn't care about others, but for his team members, his duty as the team leader was to ensure their safe evacuation.

Team members: "..."

They must be crazy, Captain Lu actually believed such an absurd thing, isn't it just a dream?

Just as Lu Tingli was about to turn around and leave, who could have expected... disaster struck!

What kind of disaster?

Suddenly, the sky darkened unexpectedly, as bright as it had been moments ago, it was now just as gloomy, as if night had fallen all at once, scaring everyone's hearts into their throats.

What's happening?

Could it really be an earthquake?

Scientists who were eavesdropping outside were stunned.

Xia Ningxing was also stunned.