Chapter 305: The Tables Have Turned 1_1

Halfway through the dance, Jiang Rou glanced at Xia Ningxing with expectation shining in her eyes.

Any moment now!

Any moment now!

Her dress would fall apart!

She was about to face major embarrassment!

That's right, she had tampered with the hem of Xia Ningxing's performance dress!

She wanted to make her a public spectacle! Strip away her status as a researcher's wife! Drive her out of the family quarters!

Once Xia Ningxing appeared before everyone in such an embarrassing state, she'd be labeled with a "bad conduct" mark, which would ruin her chances of ever marrying into the research community again in her life!


Jiang Rou was in a state of extreme excitement when that sound of fabric tearing rang out.

Xia Ningxing would soon be humiliated in front of everyone!

Exposed to all!

Her reputation in tatters!

Ostracized from the research institute!

She would become Jiang Rou's everlasting nightmare!


So good!