Chapter 3 Feeling Good_1

"What!" Upon hearing this, Li Changlin couldn't remain calm anymore and quickly asked what was going on.

It turned out that the electric charge consumed by the God Tycoon Cultivation System was a self-contained system.

Although hanging up could earn him points offered by the system, it would also consume twenty percent of the electric charge every day.

If this charge couldn't be replenished in time, the software would fail to start properly.

As for the consequences, Li Changlin didn't need to think to know they would definitely be very troublesome.

For a moment, he was in tears, feeling that this was simply too much of a trap, an absolute ploy to make life difficult for him!

However, fortunately, Ling'er was truly empathetic, knowing that Li Changlin's heart had been struck a blow, so she sweetly explained, "As long as the host can gain a lot of popular support, you can exchange experience in the system with this support. Experience can not only be converted into electric energy but can also be used to upgrade."

"So, it can be done this way!" Having heard this, Li Changlin finally breathed a sigh of relief.

He could now be certain that this Godly Tycoon System would unquestionably be a major boost for him to reach the peak of his life.

As long as he could maintain the normal operation of the software, the day of his success surely wouldn't be far off.

This wonderful system must be well protected!

Li Changlin's mind buzzed with countless thoughts, and only after he had hidden the software in a secret folder on his phone did he truly feel at ease.

After that, he began to practice the song Beautiful Mood that he had just learned.

Although he had mastered the song after listening to it just once, he still needed to practice hard to capture its emotional essence.

After all, the original singer was a girl.

All morning, Li Changlin did nothing but practice singing.

In order to achieve the effect, he didn't choose any other songs.

Li Changlin believed that Beautiful Mood alone was enough for him to captivate his audience for one night.

There were many good songs, and there was no need to rush to learn them all at once.

Anyway, he had already bound himself to the Divine Tycoon Development System, so he had all the time in the world!

To tell the truth, Li Changlin felt that the points consumed by the system were a bit of a rip-off.

One song cost ten points, and now he only had forty points left, which he couldn't afford to use up!

Though he had hung up the system for three hours in the morning, he had gained only a mere three points.

Moreover, hanging up the system all morning meant that he had used up six percent of the electric charge, which Li Changlin felt was really too expensive.

However, to be cautious, after careful consideration, Li Changlin still exchanged points for three jokes, a short comedic story, and a poem in the system.

This exchange was a decision he made through gritted teeth.

In the blink of an eye, another eleven points were gone, and now only thirty-two points were left in the system, which was truly heartbreaking!

By noon, Li Changlin had stopped practicing the song.

He had already reached the original singer's standard, and in this world, who knows how far away that Earth was, no one knew what "original" meant.

Ultimately, Li Changlin himself was the original.

The song was beautiful, and he could sing it however he wished.

After all, the lyrics were indeed quite nice, with an emotional depth that was immediately clear to the listener. Li Changlin believed that once he began his live broadcast and sang this song, he would definitely gain a lot of popular support.

So, he decided to treat himself well.

Taking his phone, he stepped out the door. The phone was now too important to Li Changlin, and he was even considering whether he should buy insurance for it.

But after thinking it over carefully, he decided against it. The matter was a bit too bizarre, and he didn't want to risk people thinking he was insane.

Besides, the Godly Tycoon System was his secret. In case the insurance company asked why he wanted to insure his mobile phone, he certainly couldn't spill the beans about the app!

Dismissing that impractical idea, Li Changlin headed down to the nameless little shop below and steeled himself to buy a 288 yuan fried rice combo.

Truth be told, that fried rice was a freaking rip-off, ridiculously expensive.

He had no idea what sort of chicken laid the eggs they used, but the taste was really delicious. Li Changlin felt the money was well spent.

After finishing the fried rice, Li Changlin also ordered a cup of lemon juice worth 98 yuan.

Having eaten his fill, he paid the bill and walked out of the shop, then he headed to the barbershop across the street and got a haircut.

Later, Li Changlin gritted his teeth and bought a suit valued at 800 yuan, intent on making himself look even more handsome.

Back in his humble abode, Li Changlin didn't continue practicing singing in the afternoon.

He planned to rest well, stabilize his mood so that he could host the evening's program better.

When six o'clock came, Li Changlin got up.

He headed out for dinner first, then took a stroll outside.

As the time approached eight o'clock, Li Changlin finally returned home with ease.

He turned on the computer, logged into the live streaming platform, and changed his room name to Li Changlin from Earth.

The Godly Tycoon System originated from the mysterious Earth, and he chose this name to honor his roots.

After that, he opened the live-streaming software and entered his room.

At this moment, aside from Li Changlin himself, there were no visitors in the live streaming room.

Although he had been a host for several months now, since the Legion had never given him any promotions, the number of followers Li Changlin had was quite low.

But he wasn't in a rush.

First, he calmly checked his headset and sound card, then carefully adjusted the camera.

Facing the camera, he flashed a confident smile.

Then, Li Changlin started to play his trump card.

Moving the mouse, he clicked on the "Summon Fans" text.

Suddenly, all the fans who followed Li Changlin received a notification that he was online.

This was a feature of the Endless live streaming platform. Although there were only a thousand or so fans following Li Changlin, there were still quite a few people online at this time.

Soon, people began to trickle into Li Changlin's live streaming room.

"Yo, Li Changlin, you've changed your room's name?"

"Looks like Changlin is in high spirits tonight. Did you win the lottery or something?"

In less than two minutes, dozens of people had come in one after another.

Some names Li Changlin was very familiar with began to speak in the chat channel of the live streaming hall.

"Hey, brothers, welcome, welcome everyone!" With the arrival of fans, the live broadcast officially began.

Li Changlin didn't mind the number of people. He greeted his fans first and then laughed heartily, "Indeed, I'm in a Beautiful Mood today. As per the usual ritual, I'll start with a song for everyone."

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