Chapter 9 Another Poem Sent_1

After finishing his song, Li Changlin inevitably bowed with clasped hands to thank Eyes Within Eyes Jing Zhong Jing.


Suddenly, the entire live broadcast room shook violently.

Then, a massive volcano lit up on the screen.

The Volcanic Eruption, it was actually the Volcanic Eruption.

As soon as Li Changlin finished his song, Eyes Within Eyes Jing Zhong Jing had sent a Volcanic Eruption worth ten thousand yuan.

This was simply too shocking—apart from Eyes Within Eyes Jing Zhong Jing herself, who had sent the gift, even Li Changlin and his die-hard fan, Xiaobudian Under the Grapevine, along with everyone else, were all dumbfounded.

"It's a Volcanic Eruption, oh my god, it's actually a Volcanic Eruption!"

"Damn, Marshal is a Marshal indeed, making such a move with a Volcanic Eruption."

"That's a gift worth ten thousand yuan, Marshal is really rich!"

"Thank you, thank you so much. Marshal Sister, Changlin is really so grateful to you!" Li Changlin only recovered after a good while.

There and then, a flurry of words of thanks followed, and Li Changlin felt he really didn't know what to say.

A ten thousand yuan Volcanic Eruption, his heart was practically bursting with joy.

This was real money, a ten thousand yuan gift, of which Li Changlin would receive four thousand—that was almost three months' worth of salary for him before!

Moreover, just now Eyes Within Eyes Jing Zhong Jing also sent a gift worth five thousand yuan. Adding that up, it amounted to gifts worth fifteen thousand yuan.

According to the forty percent share, just from the gift Eyes Within Eyes Jing Zhong Jing sent him, he would get six thousand yuan.

Six thousand yuan, that was truly a fortune, and Li Changlin was considering how to spend this money when the time came.

But for now, there was no need to rush.

The pressing matter of the moment was to continue to cozy up to this female Marshal.

After all, Li Changlin's mission within the System still required the help of Eyes Within Eyes Jing Zhong Jing to complete.

Although Eyes Within Eyes Jing Zhong Jing had sent a fifteen thousand yuan gift, the way she looked, she didn't seem to have any intention of becoming a guardian for Li Changlin.

Actually, becoming a lower-level guardian didn't require too much money.

The Endless live broadcast platform has five types of guardians: Bronze Guardian, Silver Guardian, Golden Protector, Diamond Guardian, and Crown Protector.

Among them, becoming a Bronze Guardian only needs three thousand yuan.

But it appeared that Eyes Within Eyes Jing Zhong Jing had no intention of initiating a guardianship for Li Changlin.

In face of this situation, of course, Li Changlin was not in a position to plead openly.

After all, within just a few minutes, Eyes Within Eyes Jing Zhong Jing had directly contributed fifteen thousand yuan worth of gifts.

Such a number of gifts, when compared to a three thousand yuan Bronze Guardian, was way beyond surpassing—Li Changlin had no reason to voice his own extravagant hopes.

"Marshal Sister, are you feeling any better?" After expressing his gratitude, Li Changlin asked softly.

"Actually, my mood has improved a lot," Eyes Within Eyes Jing Zhong Jing said with a faint smile in response to Li Changlin's inquiry.

This song, it was as if it were written for her.

To tell the truth, Eyes Within Eyes Jing Zhong Jing was deeply moved.

On one hand, she had deep feelings for her ex-boyfriend and sincerely did not want to let go so easily.

On the other hand, Eyes Within Eyes Jing Zhong Jing was very clear in her mind that her ex-boyfriend was about to get married soon, and there was no chance left for her.

Under such emotion, it's no wonder her heartache was beyond words.

No matter the words, the comfort, none could truly calm her down.

In such a state, she needed a release, needed to let out all the emotions bottled up inside her.

However, Eyes Within Eyes Jing Zhong Jing wasn't an ordinary, frivolous woman.

Thus, she chose a streaming platform on the internet.

This was a place where no one would recognize her, where no one knew who she really was.

Whatever she did, even if someone did pay attention, they would only know her by a so-called nickname.

To vent on a virtual platform, to behave unrestrainedly, Eyes Within Eyes Jing Zhong Jing felt no pressure at all.

Yet, she truly did not expect that by coming to Li Changlin's stream, she would hear a song that made her unable to hold back her tears.

This song deeply moved her, allowed her to understand herself even better.

Therefore, in such a situation, Eyes Within Eyes Jing Zhong Jing did not hesitate to send gifts worth over ten thousand yuan to Li Changlin.

To say it was a reward might not be as accurate as calling it gratitude.

Just like the initial 440 cups of juice sent by Eyes Within Eyes Jing Zhong Jing, her emotions couldn't truly be expressed with words.

Eyes Within Eyes Jing Zhong Jing was clear in her heart that this Beautiful Mood was truly written for her.

She was deeply touched, genuinely wanting to thank Li Changlin.

If at that moment Li Changlin had made a small request that Eyes Within Eyes Jing Zhong Jing could fulfill, like asking her to become a month-long patron, Eyes Within Eyes Jing Zhong Jing would not have hesitated at all.

However, Li Changlin knew nothing of this situation.

He was unaware that on the other side of the internet, his song had easily conquered Eyes Within Eyes Jing Zhong Jing.

So, when he heard that she was feeling much better, Li Changlin was quite pleased.

After a moment of reflection, he spoke again, "Marshal Sister, since you love Beautiful Mood so much, let me give you a poem as well."

"A poem?" Eyes Within Eyes Jing Zhong Jing blinked in surprise, not expecting Li Changlin to be a poet.

"Li Changlin, you're going to write a poem for Marshal Sister Eyes Within Eyes Jing Zhong Jing?"

"Damn, when did Li Changlin become so awesome, to even write poetry now?"

"Speaking of which, are you planning to follow some textbook, Li Changlin?"

As soon as Li Changlin mentioned sending a poem to Eyes Within Eyes Jing Zhong Jing, the chat channel became lively again.

Many viewers quickly typed and sent messages, all expressing their surprise at Li Changlin's words.

"Yes, this is a poem I've composed on the spur of the moment." As he said this, Li Changlin still felt slightly guilty.

But soon, he regained his composure.

With the Divine Tycoon Development System from Earth, nobody in this world could know, and Li Changlin had no need to worry about being exposed.

"Alright, I look forward to it." Upon getting Li Changlin's confirmation, Eyes Within Eyes Jing Zhong Jing couldn't help but laugh lightly again.

Since receiving the breakup call from her ex-boyfriend that afternoon, she had been deeply upset for quite a while.

Yet unexpectedly, having been in Li Changlin's stream for only a short time, she had already laughed several times.

"A 'Painted Hall Spring' for Marshal Sister," Li Changlin cleared his throat, then began to recite, "In a lifetime, for eternity, a pair as one, why should we be apart, our souls consumed? Love lingers, gazes longing, yet unembraced, for whom does the spring bloom? Easy to beg wine along the blue bridge, hard to chase medicine across the emerald sea. If granted a meeting by the Oxenford, in each other's company, poverty is forgotten."