Chapter 13 Youthful as Poetry Story_1

Writing songs, of course, isn't as simple as just talking about it.

Even if it comes to copying, Li Changlin still has to understand the customer's needs.

Only then can he better satisfy the other party.

What's more, it's important for Li Changlin to let Ling'er assist in searching for songs in the music.

After all, if he tried to find those songs on his own, he might even end up being the butt of a joke.

Honestly, the song "Beautiful Mood" that he sang before, at first Li Changlin also thought it should be a cheerful tune.

But unexpectedly, although the song title was "Beautiful Mood," the lyrics were of a sad melody.

If it weren't for the fact that the song was indeed great, Li Changlin might have completely messed up this time.

"Let's do this, I'll tell her to come to your live stream," said Brother Wolf, draped in sheepskin, typing a message in the chat channel.

"Okay," Li Changlin nodded, then added, "Prince, I see that typing is also strenuous for you, how about I pull you onto the microphone?"

"No thanks!" Brother Wolf, still in sheep's clothing, declined Li Changlin's proposal.

Seeing his response, Li Changlin naturally didn't insist.

Before long, a Warrant Officer named "Youthful as Poetry" entered the live stream, and Brother Wolf had Li Changlin invite her onto the microphone.

"Hello everyone, and hello Li Changlin, I am 'Youthful as Poetry,'" said the newcomer, introducing herself upon joining the stream.

To everyone's delight, "Youthful as Poetry" was not a 'ladyboy.'

Her voice was very soft and carried a special sticky quality, which irresistibly made you want to keep listening.

"Hello, 'Youthful as Poetry.'" Since the microphone was connected, interacting was naturally an essential part.

Knowing "Youthful as Poetry" was a girl, Li Changlin guessed she must be a young woman.

And indeed, this girl was certainly very pretty.

Otherwise, Brother Wolf, with his personality, would never so readily make requests for a woman.

"Li Changlin, Brother Wolf told me you agreed to write a song for me, is that right?" asked "Youthful as Poetry," her voice soft but her inquiry straightforward, surprising Li Changlin.

Facing such a girl, he naturally couldn't beat around the bush.

Especially since Brother Wolf was watching, Li Changlin was even less inclined to tease her.

So, he smiled awkwardly and nodded, "Yes, I have to give face to the Wolf King, but I don't know what kind of requirements you have for the song, 'Youthful as Poetry'?"

"My situation is a bit special," said "Youthful as Poetry," to everyone's astonishment. She sighed softly and then began to speak quietly.

It turned out that "Youthful as Poetry" was an orphan, adopted from a young age by a lame old man.

The old man was somewhat deaf and mute, unable to speak, and he made his living collecting empty bottles.

One day, the old man found "Youthful as Poetry" on the street.

He thought she was a gift from the heavens, so he was overjoyed.

Latter on, the old man brought "Youthful as Poetry" home, and he used the money he got from his collected bottles to buy cheap formula, ensuring her survival.

Gradually, "Youthful as Poetry" grew up and could help the old man collect bottles.

From then on, she, blessed with a beautiful voice, became the old man's messenger.

Every morning, "Youthful as Poetry" would lead the old man, with his walking stick, through the streets and alleys, repeatedly shouting, "Any empty bottles to sell? Collecting empty bottles!"

Such days continued until "Youthful as Poetry" grew up and got into university.

But just as her life was shining brightly, the old man disappeared!

No one knew where the old man had gone.

No one knew why the old man had to leave "Youthful as Poetry."

Over the years, "Youthful as Poetry" had come to regard the old man as her dearest and most beloved person.

Yet, she had never imagined that one day, the old man would suddenly leave her, abandoning her.

Having lost the person she held dearest in this world, the heart of "Youthful as Poetry" ached terribly.

She was regretful, helpless, lost, and praying.

But the old man seemed to have vanished into the vast sea of people.

Where had he gone, was he still in this world at all?

If possible, "Youthful as Poetry" was so eager to be reunited with the old man once more.

She would rather forsake success, give up all her dreams.

He was, after all, the dearest and most beloved person to her in this world!

But where was he?

During these days, "Youthful as Poetry" didn't know how she had managed to get by.

If it weren't for the belief in her heart that she would be reunited with the old man, perhaps she would have already collapsed!

Over these days, "Youthful as Poetry" had thought of many ways, constantly searching for the old man.

However, the repeated setbacks had almost driven her to despair.

At the end of this month, it would mark five years since the old man's disappearance.

"Youthful as Poetry" truly hoped that the old man would return to her side soon!

"So touching, 'Youthful as Poetry,' you have to stay strong!"

"I hope that good people will have peace throughout their lives."

"The old man will definitely come back, 'Youthful as Poetry,' don't cry."

"Let's pray together, wishing for the old man to return to the side of 'Youthful as Poetry' soon!"

"I am already crying, 555555555."

After telling her story with a choked voice, "Youthful as Poetry" was sobbing uncontrollably.

She cried softly, appearing so helpless, so pitiful.

The entire live broadcast audience was moved by the story.

Even Li Changlin could not help but sniffle, quietly wiping away the tear that had fallen from the corner of his eye.

"Ling'er!" For the first time, Li Changlin took the initiative to contact the spirit of the God Tycoon Cultivation System.

"I am here, Host." Ling'er appeared, speaking gently, "This girl's story reminded me of a song. This song seems tailor-made for her, I believe she will really like it."

"What song is it?" Li Changlin felt a surge of joy and promptly inquired.

"The meaning of the song title is 'Are There Any Empty Bottles For Sale?'" Ling'er hummed a few lines of the lyrics softly.

"Okay, let's use that song." Li Changlin decided right away, feeling that the song was indeed, as Ling'er had said, as if it existed just for "Youthful as Poetry."

'Are There Any Empty Bottles For Sale?' It matched "Youthful as Poetry's" childhood identity perfectly!

Seeing that Li Changlin had not spoken, "Youthful as Poetry" could not help but ask, softly, "Li Changlin, could you write a song based on this story for me?"

"Sure, I'll help you!" Li Changlin had already promised to help Brother Wolf, and naturally, he would not refuse the request of "Youthful as Poetry."

Besides, Ling'er had already told him about a song that was very suitable for "Youthful as Poetry."