Chapter 15: Thousand-People Room_1

"Damn, is this Li Changlin? I thought he was some kind of supernatural force!"

"Bullshit, with that look, he also dares to pose like he's hot stuff."

"Get the fuck outta here, looking like a human but acting like a mutt. How can such a loser produce a hit song!"

"Go away, go away, go away! Scum who just spam ads, go back to your momma and suckle!"

"A room with just five hundred people, I thought he was some god of music! Shit, just do your own show. What are you doing advertising in Xuer's room, are you fucking asking for death!"

Over a hundred people were cursing at once, the chat was jumping up non-stop.

It took Li Changlin a good while before he suddenly realized what was happening.

All these people were fans of someone named Xuer.

He had just gone to the bathroom, and while he was away, his viewers couldn't sit still and ran off to promote his stream in other broadcasters' rooms.

To be honest, Li Changlin was absolutely grateful for his fans' good intentions.

Only now, good intentions had led to bad outcomes; the attempt at promotion didn't work, and instead it attracted the attention of another fan group.

Faced with this situation, Li Changlin felt a bit frustrated, like he had been caught cheating in the act.

However, he quickly came around.

This kind of incident indeed had a very negative influence on some broadcasters.

But for a small-time broadcaster who hadn't made a name for himself like him, it wasn't necessarily a bad thing.

Currently, the number of viewers allowed in his stream was extremely limited.

A room, merely accommodating five hundred viewers, was a significant constraint for Li Changlin trying to reach a five-thousand viewer milestone.

Now, with a sudden influx of over a hundred Xuer's fans, this was a good sign indeed.

The priority was to quickly apply for a higher-level room.

"Shit, where did these mad dogs come from, barking as soon as they come in!"

"They're from the Feixue Legion, that Xuer seems to be a big broadcaster in the Feixue Legion."

"Damn, being a big broadcaster is nothing great, don't get too arrogant. People from Feixue Legion, our Changlin hasn't offended you, get out of here, pronto!"

"Right, kick these guys out. Changlin, Li Changlin, kick them all out!"

Over here, Li Changlin was trying to apply for a higher-level room, but his fans couldn't hold back any longer and started cussing.

Thus, a verbal battle immediately ensued.

On this side, Changlin had over three hundred fans, of course, less than two hundred of them were die-hard supporters. The rest were tourists attracted by the advertising, who temporarily wouldn't stand united with the die-hard fans.

On the other side, over a hundred people from the Feixue Legion had flooded in.

These people were organized and prepared.

Among them was a major leading the team, followed by over a dozen lieutenant colonels and colonels. Although the others didn't have such high rankings, they all had a prefix in their usernames, indicating they were all paid players.

Over a hundred paid players, especially since one of the majors was a high-roller who had spent over a hundred thousand, so in facing over three hundred opponents, they still appeared very arrogant.

Li Changlin didn't care about the insults from Xuer's fans at all.

Honestly, if he didn't have even this much psychological resilience, he wouldn't have chosen to be an internet broadcaster in the first place.

Li Changlin stayed silent amidst the swearing match between his fans and the opposition's as he clicked on Wuxiang Legion's homepage and applied for a room level upgrade at his channel's spot.

Soon, Wuxiang Legion received Li Changlin's application.

"Director Yang, Li Changlin has applied for a room level upgrade," said an employee responsible for managing the room levels of broadcasters under Wuxiang Online Entertainment Company, knocking on Yang Kun's office.

"Li Changlin! Has his room met the requirements for an upgrade?" Yang Kun frowned slightly, showing a hint of dissatisfaction on his face.

"Yes, Li Changlin's room is now full," the employee felt a little uneasy, thinking he had inadvertently offended the director.

"This kid, he couldn't have pulled some trick, could he!" Yang Kun tapped lightly on his desk with his finger, looking skeptical.

"His data appears normal, and those viewers aren't using protocol accounts from software. Moreover, just a short while ago, two people even became Guardians for Li Changlin," the employee was prepared, having thoroughly reviewed Li Changlin's channel upon receiving the application.

Hearing this reply, Yang Kun was also filled with doubts.

However, he had no reason to refuse the upgrade of a broadcaster's room if it met the company's requirements.

"Fine, upgrade him to a thousand-person room," Yang Kun decided after a brief contemplation, planning to visit Li Changlin's room himself.

He gestured for the employee to quickly handle the matter and then logged into his own account to enter Li Changlin's live streaming room.

Although Wuxiang Online Entertainment Company was just a small Legion, it still had certain privileges on the Endless live streaming platform.

For instance, the Legion owned a certain proportion of special accounts that could enter any broadcaster's room under their banner, regardless of whether it was full.

Upon arriving in Li Changlin's streaming room, Yang Kun immediately noticed the swearing match in the chat channel.

Suddenly, he understood why Li Changlin's room had reached full capacity so quickly.

Honestly, Director Yang didn't mind at all if the lesser-known broadcasters under his Legion tried to boost their room's popularity with their own methods.

He just didn't have a bit of goodwill towards Li Changlin.

He remembered calling Li Changlin personally in the morning to deliver an ultimatum.

Perhaps it was for that reason that Li Changlin chose to advertise in another broadcaster's room.

And judging by the situation, the advertising seemed somewhat effective, not only arousing the enmity of the Feixue Legion but even gaining two Guardians for Li Changlin himself.

Yang Kun coldly smiled, moving his mouse to close Li Changlin's streaming room.

Nobody knew he had been there, nor could anyone see him leave.

While Yang Kun didn't oppose his broadcasters advertising in other streaming rooms, he was actually very clear about it.

Advertising in other rooms, after all, was just a tactic that wasn't acknowledged publicly.

To truly boost the popularity of a streaming room, a broadcaster's ability is of utmost importance.

Li Changlin, the broadcaster, didn't have any distinctive features—an awareness Yang Kun had long held.

Thus, he didn't bother to take note of the names of Li Changlin's two Guardians, nor did he know that they were actually a Golden Protector and a Diamond Guardian.