Chapter 29 Practice Song_1

Yeah, Li Changlin is just an insignificant poor guy facing the powerful Luo Xuehai. What can he change?

Xu Xin's mind is already set. She's decided to follow Luo Xuehai and enjoy the riches of life. Is there any chance she'll look back?

Besides, when Xu Xin brought up breaking up, she made herself very clear.

She'd rather cry in a Firefox Car than laugh on a bicycle.

A woman like her is totally blinded by money. What's there for Li Changlin to hope for?

Even if there's a slight chance she might turn back, she wouldn't be the same pure person anymore. Could Li Changlin really put aside the past and reconcile with her?

Impossible, Li Changlin clearly couldn't be so magnanimous.

He doesn't have such noble character to willingly accept being cuckolded and still happily offer his face to be hit again!

Obviously, Lin Ruonan didn't tell him because she was truly considering his feelings.

If Xu Xin could stick to her principles, she wouldn't be tempted.