Chapter 50: Invincible State_1

Thank you to the WeChat user 11***681 for your support. Since you're a WeChat user and I can't see your nickname, I just want to say thanks. Tianyu will continue to work hard!

"Damn it, this must be some kind of trick you've played!" Now was not the time for explanations. Brother Forgotten cursed fiercely, then immediately shouted, "Eyes Within Eyes, hurry and open the Gift Treasure Box. There's a special interface inside, click on it and buy ten Guardian Shields."

"Okay, I'll take a look." Although Mou Zhong Mou Jing Zhong Jing was a Marshal, she had never used the Spear of Judgment, so she was also clueless about what this item was all about.

However, it seemed she was very familiar with Brother Forgotten.

So, she didn't hesitate at all.

Upon hearing Brother Forgotten's words, Mou Zhong Mou Jing Zhong Jing immediately opened the special interface in the Gift Treasure Box.